
Battlefield Cross T-Shirt gets 8th grader sent home from school

Screenshot 2015-10-09 16.49.35A Gresham, Oregon school – Dexter McCarty Middle School – sent home an 8th grader because he was wearing a t-shirt that featured the “Battlefield Cross” memorial used for fallen military members. That actual reason was that the t-shirt had a gun on it.

Change your clothes!

The principle had given Alan an ultimatum- change his clothes or leave school. He refused to change his clothes, so they called his father and he left the school.

“They won’t let me wear a shirt that supports the people that keep us free, I’m not gonna support them.” Alan Holmes

battlefield cross
A school sent Alan Holmes packing because of this t-shirt – screenshot

The school stated that it was “inappropriate” to have a t-shirt with a gun on it in a “school setting.” Their decision came a few days after a major shooting at an Oregon Community College. But was it based on irrational fear of guns, or something else?

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Alan Holmes’ brother is in the U.S. Marine Corps. Wearing the shirt was a source of patriotic pride for the 8th grader.  He plans to do some research into the memorial used by our troops to remember fallen military members.

No Patriotism allowed!

Alan Holmes is not the only one – schools across the nation have been ratcheting down on kids and college students for wearing any sort of t-shirt with a patriotic theme, whether it’s for supporting our troops or an American flag.

What’s the message? It tells people to be worried about everything because someone will complain about it. It’s a form of stress and we’re giving it to everyone, including our kids at a very young age.  Our students are not free…they are under system of conformity.

In civilian life, that ‘pounding’ is meant to create conformity.  If you get hammered long enough about what you wear, you will slowly change your habits. When your desire is designed to support our military, or you believe in the 2nd amendment, that change is not good. It makes the students feel “hunted” and worried about the responses.

It’s up to the parents of children to stand with their kids against these agendas. In Alan Holmes’ case, his parents stood strongly by his choice not to change his clothes. Good for them.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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