
Another American flag controversy- the idiotic statement from an HOA

Screenshot 2015-10-04 17.50.47The President of the Chestnut Place Condominium HOA in Murray, Utah, claimed she was “tired of seeing flags,” not just the American flag, flying up and down the street all day and all night 365 days a year. She decided the flag is only for holidays and fined a condo owner $75.00 for refusing to take it down.

The flag only for holidays?

“Flags are flown on holiday events. All we are trying to do is regulate when the flag goes up, and when it comes down.” Lyn Steinbergen, President of the HOA.

Steinbergen recently resigned from her position on the HOA.

The residents of the condo have been flying their American flags all the time. One resident who refused to take it down was fined $75.00 under a homeowners clause for “decorations.” They were told to immediately take the flags down.

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american flag

Erin Worthen, one of the residents who was fined, is furious. She has two relatives who were U.S. Navy veterans. Her flag flying on a daily basis is about honoring their service.

“The men and woman who serve our country do a job that I could not do…. People have died for that… We have a right to fly our flags.” Erin Worthen

The Homeowner’s Board canceled a meeting at the last minute- possibly because they learned that residents wanted to vote them off the board. The residents of the condo community are reportedly considering nominating Erin to be the next president. They are waiting for the next board meeting to see what the outcome will be.

The American Flag is not a decoration

Ms. Worthen is correct- people have died for that flag. It is not and was never meant to be a “decoration.”

From 1776 to today, Americans have fought and died for the symbol of our nation’s strength and unity. It has been a source of pride and inspiration for over 200 years.  It IS the symbol of patriotism for America. Reducing it to a “decoration” is infuriating.

In this case, there is more than one person flying the flag. They call the rooves a ‘common area’ not owned by the condo owner, and the walls are also considered a ‘common area.’ It’s the “common areas” that are in question.

Attorneys contacted regarding this incident stated that the HOA has the right to regulate the places where and hours when the flag is placed. In the past, when flag controversies have come before the public, HOAs have often backed down. Since the person who felt that she was sick of looking at the flags has resigned, there is hope for a resolution in favor of flying the flags. Unless the attorneys get involved, of course.


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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