Zip tied subway repairs: The New York slow suicide on full display
New York state is broke, and I certainly don’t mean a little broke. A perfect example would be that of New York City’s two international airports, which happen to be (in)famous not only for their pathetic state of decay and disrepair of the terminals, but their landing strips are actually plagued by potholes.
That’s right, potholes. Let that sink in as you imagine yourself aboard almost 500 tons worth of 747 coming in for a landing at a couple hundred miles an hour. Personally, I’d have sparks coming off my Rosary beads if I ever had to fly into the Big Apple.
So if the mental picture of a jumbo jet attempting a Tokyo Drift maneuver all over the runway isn’t enough to freak-out the average traveler, there’s always the photographic evidence that repairmen for the New York City subway system are literally holding the carriages and wheels together with zip ties.
While New York state’s Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC’s Democratic mayor Bill De Blasio (real name Warren Wilhelm Jr.) spar over who should bear the blame, Chicago’s mayor Rahm Emanuel is giddy with delight as be paints a picture of both New Yorkers (and possible opponents for the Democratic Party’s 2020 nomination for president) as a pair of incompetent buffoons;
As reported by the news service;
Cuomo declared a state of emergency last week for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in the wake of a derailment on top of countless delays — and commuters spotting their trains being held together with zip ties.
Cuomo and de Blasio have feuded over who is to blame for the crisis that has flooded local news on an almost daily basis, particularly on the question of funding. Cuomo is eyed as a potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, while it is likely that de Blasio has ambitions for higher office.
But Emanuel, a former Obama White House chief of staff, rubbed salt in the wound with a piece called: “In Chicago, the Trains Actually Run on Time” and mentions Cuomo by name in the opening paragraph, in which he reiterates the woes of the Washington and New York transit systems.
“Meanwhile, in Chicago, a recent survey found that 85 percent of passengers are satisfied with service on our transit system, the nation’s second most used,” Emanuel brags.
But back to the fiscal basket case that is the Empire State.The everything-budget website noted the following recently;
Current estimates “show a potential” for a budget gap $689 million in the coming fiscal year, which begins April 1. Following that, a $2.1 billion deficit is projected for 2018-19 fiscal year, and a $1.7 billion deficit in 2019-2020 if spending growth continues to be limited to 2 percent increases in the coming years.
500 people were forced to walk through the subway tunnels earlier this week in the greatest city in the world.
— erica orden (@eorden) June 29, 2017
With it understood that big government, RINO or Establishment Democrat – doesn’t matter, will always lead to financial ruin and the destruction of infrastructure, the obvious question is if the state of New York has any common sense solutions readily available.
Actually, they do.
As the below graphic plainly illustrates, most of the state of New York sits on top of a fortune of oil and liquefied natural gas.
Unfortunately for the state’s residents, Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered that no fracking at all will take place in the Empire State. Billions of dollars worth of shale oil and natural gas remains trapped underneath the cash strapped and economically depressed areas of upstate and central New York.
In the meantime, residents of the state are among the highest taxed in the nation.
To better appreciate what a financial boon the largely untapped fossile fuels have been to certain states, Jeremy Pelzer of the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported in 2015 that the recent oil and natural gas boom “has contributed $28.4 billion to the state economy in 2014.” Also cited was that almost 200,000 Ohioans “worked jobs related directly or indirectly to the shale oil and gas industry.”