
Youth be damned – House Democrat leadership older than America

Nancy Pelosi - head Democrat. (Twitter)
Nancy Pelosi – head Democrat. (Twitter)

What do Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Jim Clyburn, and Xavier Becerra have in common? Other than being the veritable Fab Four of the Jackass Party, that is. But first – yes, there really was a point in time when the Democrats were known as the Jackass Party.

But I digress, the combined age of the top four Democrats on the US House of Representatives have a total sum that makes them older than the United States of America.

As reported by the Breitbart.com news portal, Nancy Pelosi again won the leadership of the Democrat minority in the House. Despite experiencing an electoral ass-whoopin’ of Biblical proportions, the California legislator famously stated, “I don’t think people want a new direction.”

Perhaps illustrating just how clueless the Democrats truly are, the total ages of the four is 287. The American republic, however, a mere 240-years-old.

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To better place the combined ages of the top Dems into its proper perspective, the total sum subtracted from the year 2016 takes us all the way back to 1729.

Oh, and George Washington wasn’t even born yet. That wouldn’t happen for another three years.

Here are some specifics you may find interesting;

  1. Democratic Leader – Rep. Nancy Pelosi. Born: March 26, 1940 (age 76). On the same day she was born, Greek long distance runner Spyridon Louis passed away at the age of 67. Spyridon was famous for winning the gold medal for the marathon in the Athens Summer Olympics – of 1896. 
  2. Democratic Whip – Rep. Steny Hoyer. Born: June 14, 1939 (age 77). On the same day he was born, the Tientsin Incident flared up in China between Imperial Japan and Colonial Britain. In order to isolate the Brits, the Japanese Army erected what was considered the cutting edge of technology all the way around the British enclave – an electrified fence.
  3. Assistant Democratic Leader – Rep. James Clyburn. Born: July 21, 1940 (age 76). On the same day he was born, the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republics were established. The same Soviet Socialist Republics haven’t even existed for the past quarter century.
  4. Democratic Caucus Chairman – Rep. Xavier Becerra. Born: January 26, 1958. On the same day he was born, the #1 song in the USA was “At The Hop” by Danny and the Juniors.


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