
YO PATRIOTS: This Movie Trailer About A Real-Life American Hero Is MUST-SEE (Video)

Be ready. Mark your calendar. This movie is going live on the 4th of July.

For years, ClashDaily has been doing our part in raising the alarm about women and children being sold into sexual slavery, often known by the somewhat more sterile name ‘human trafficking’.

Allen West, for example, was VERY vocal about the sexual slavery problem in Texan cities, with many of their victims tied to cross-border cartel activity.

But the darker a tragedy is, the more heroic the story of a champion fighting to stop it.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Sound of Freedom, based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.

The film stars Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ, The Count of Monte Cristo) who plays the lead role of Tim Ballard. Academy Award Winner Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite) plays Katherine Ballard and Bill Camp (Lincoln, 12 Years a Slave) plays “Batman”—Ballard’s right-hand man.

The film is produced by Eduardo Verástegui and directed by Alejandro Monteverde.

Here, we have a movie trailer — based on the real-life story. It’s the heroic story of man who responded to a desperate little girl’s disappearance by going after her, wherever the trail might take him.

Rushing into far-flung parts of the world, risking it all to save her. With no backup.

Think we’re over-hyping it? Watch the trailer and judge for yourself:

The movie’s going live on July 4th.

The goal of this film isn’t just to entertain. It’s to raise awareness about a crime that’s done in the darkness, one that few people dare to discuss.

If you would like to see it, but the ticket cost is an obstacle, there is a ‘pay it forward’ program to help you see it for free. If you have the cash and are looking for a worthy cause to donate some tickets?

To purchase your own tickets, or for someone else, visit the Angel Studios website.

(If the Angel Studios name rings a bell, they are the same people who produced the very successful retelling of the gospels called ‘The Chosen’.)

Consider this.

Before a country can solve a problem as important as this one, they must first face it.

Before they can face it, they must know it exists.

This movie will help people become aware of the horrors that are — for so many innocent victims — the living hell they endure, every day of their life.

And after you get your tickets, pray.

Pray like you’re in a fistfight with Hell itself.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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