Tragically, the number of high command security types who enter the political arena, thereafter to transmorph into enemies within, is nothing new. The signs may be there from the start.
In general parlance, the axiom, “a leopard doesn’t change its spots”, is the most targeted way to illustrate the treachery executed by former IDF Chief of Staff/Defense Minister Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon.
Biblically speaking, “Will a Cushite change his skin, or a leopard his spots? So will you be able to improve, you who have become accustomed to do evil.”(Yirmiyahu 13, 23)
As reported at Israel National News (Dec.1, 2024):
Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, President of the ‘Shurat HaDin’ lawfare organization, told Arutz Sheva – Israel National News about the significant implications of a statement made by a former Israeli Chief of Staff and Defense Minister categorizing IDF actions as ethnic cleansing. She highlights a genuine threat not only to Netanyahu and Gallant but to all IDF soldiers and the state of Israel.
”This is dramatic and dangerous for IDF soldiers and the state of Israel. The statement that the IDF conducts ethnic cleansing in Gaza implies that the IDF is committing war crimes there,” explains Darshan-Leitner, noting that ”The IDF faces trials at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, both in The Hague, both pursuing the state of Israel and the IDF for alleged genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Gaza.”
According to Darshan-Leitner, the IDF is close to facing judgment, although no concrete trial has commenced yet. Such a trial could start in Netanyahu and Gallant’s absence. ‘’The International Court of Justice hasn’t entered the process yet but has begun discussions, issuing warrants, though not delving into the matter fully.’’……
Sans a scintilla of a doubt, Ya’alon’s words were an act of treason.
On the other hand, upon reading about this bold-faced, wanton lie, this investigative journalist was not at all shocked, due to dual, fact- based force-multipliers.
On the First-Tier:
Tragically, the number of high command security types who enter the political arena, thereafter transmorphing into enemies within is nothing new.
Indeed, as a major exhibit of that, just consider the extremely grave damage caused by former PM Ehud Barak – in concert with his den of radical leftist, post-Zionist, pro-Islamist thieves, similarly, a has-been security heavyweight of the highest magnitude.
As excerpted at American Thinker (March 5, 2023) within “The Dark Money Trail of Opponents to Israel’s Judicial Reform”:
As brilliantly exposed and analyzed by Caroline Glick, a widely-esteemed geo-strategist, the following financial dots lead straight from the underbelly of the U.S. Deep State Mafia (funneled through hostile, anti-Israel NGOs) to their subversive counterparts in Israel!, says Glick:
Lawfare, or the use of the language of law and the judicial process to achieve political, rather than legal, outcomes, isn’t the only aspect of the left’s current campaign to overturn the election results where MQG (the leftist Movement for Quality Government, ed) is leading the charge. The movement is also the primary organizer and sponsor of the mass protests against judicial reform. The speakers at the rallies stand under the MQG banner when they call for insurgency, civil war and violence.
Since the media, as full partners in MQG’s efforts, are working now as full-time propagandists, no one is asking the organizers who finances their activities. Someone is paying tens of millions of shekels to rent buses to transport scores of thousands of people to rallies, buy them flags, print banners and signs, rent stages and sound systems, and finance ad campaigns in every newspaper and on billboards across the country.
Whoever is footing the bill, the front group for all of it is MQG.
A look at MQG’s funding reports on the Government Registrar of Non-Profits website doesn’t reveal much. MQG’s private and institutional donors are unnamed. But under the law, all registered nonprofits are required to report funding they receive from foreign governments. So MQG’s only named donor on its annual reports is the U.S. State Department.
On the Second-Tier; a most personal one:
Though told in confidence back in 2008, and, once again, in 2017 – by two most credible and ‘in the know’ operatives of impeccable credentials, both of whom are now deceased – there is no doubt that under the gravity of Ya’alon’s malignant words they would want the following confidential forewarnings to be released to the public.
In 2008, this writer’s “blood brother”, Tsafrir Ronen, of blessed memory, a legendary Sayeret Matkal Commando, compiled a Dossier (tasked by the top echelon), an internal “BOLO List” (Be on the Lookout), in a manner of speaking.
In general terms, it came to the ‘eyes and ears’ of Ronen that Ya’alon’s political ambitions knew no bounds. With every tool at his disposal (never directly shared, only ‘hinted’ at), Tsafrir Ronen, of blessed memory, gathered highly disturbing Intel that the heretofore admired Ya’alon was weighing his security ‘options’, under the aegis of overall political calculi.
More specifically, he was ‘caught’ plotting operational procedures via the same unfettered ambition. Trenchantly, he shifted his strategies depending on the prevailing winds. For Oslo (he later apologized), against the Gush Katif expulsion.
Know this: Notably, PM Netanyahu, his lifelong nemesis, was always uppermost in his mind. Once again, he was overheard moving around the chess pieces, so to speak. In no uncertain terms, every security decision he made was calculated to improve his electoral chances within the political realm.
Inextricably, the very same Ya’alon and Barak stood atop the Dossier’s “BOLO”. The two had been members of Sayeret Matkal. Ronen dropped ‘hints’, here and there, as to why Ya’alon was not who he seemed.
As it happened, Ronen, of blessed memory, became well acquainted with “Anti-terror agent NYPD Homicide Detective Mordecai Zev Dzikansky, of blessed memory”, this writer’s beloved brother.
As kindred spirits, they hunted down internal and external menaces – regardless of where the truth led them. So, the aforementioned Dossier, in its entirety, was shared between them.
In point of fact, the two justice-seekers planned to ferret out an additional piece of so-called nail-in-the-coffin evidence, to be presented at a ‘closed-door’ meeting with certain folks – tragically, this writer’s “blood brother” died unexpectedly, a few months later.
Said evidence was uncovered in 2017 – hand-delivered via encrypted files, as discussed among them, nine years onward.
Most significantly, not a single higher up in the security or political arena can claim to be shocked, shocked by Ya’alon’s perfidy.
The very fact that he wasn’t scooped-up years ago bespeaks of a “code of silence” – the likes of which must change if we are to survive.