
Woody Harrelson Rips Big Pharma On SNL … Left Loses Its Cookies (Video)

Woody Harrelson may agree with a lot of the left’s ideas, but he’s never been afraid to color outside the lines. The left used to love that about him. That was before THEY became political powerbrokers.

Since his days of shamelessly promoting pot smoking when everyone else was pushing a ‘just say no’ message, Woody liked to stir [expletive] up. But because he was on ‘their’ team and normally targeted people and ideas on the right, he was considered ‘safe’.

After his fifth monologue on SNL, the left has a new opinion of how ‘safe’ he really is.

What transgressive thing could Woody say so as to make the party of libertines retire to their fainting couches? He said the unsayable thing. But it’s worse than that — he made it funny.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The left was NOT happy. Here’s the headline at Rolling Stone, for example.

And here’s Vanity Fair…

If Vanity Fair actually understood the origin story of their name, they might show a little more humility.

But wait, there’s more…

Do these rags even realize the trap they just stepped in?

Woody’s joke centered on the media shaping public opinion — and government policy — as if they were the personal paid Praetorian Guard of Big Pharma.

What better way to prove Woody is an absolute tinfoil hat-wearing madman than …

*checks notes*

…every center-left media outlet lining up to denounce Woody as some kind of a lunatic, far-right conspiracy theorist.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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