
Wisconsin Democrat To Parents Who Want Say In Education: Go Away!

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A lawmaker, a Democrat, in the state of Wisconsin has delivered a message to parents who want to have some influence over their children’s education.

Go away, is essentially what Democrat Rep. Lee Snodgrass told them.

Then she suddenly took the message down.

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But on the web, they never really go away.

Here’s her message, with the comment that it already had been deleted.

She said, “If parents want to ‘have a say’ in their child’s education, they should home school or pay for private school tuition out of their family budget.”

Inexplicably, Snodgrass completely ignored the fact that those parents who want to “have a say” in their child’s education already pay for the funding of their public schools, through their taxes, which come “out of their family budget.”

That may have been among the reasons that she took the statement down, and got very busy very quickly backtracking.

And she added, “Of course parents need to have a say in their kids’ education and their classrooms! I’m a parent, and I have a say, as should every parent. I shouldn’t have been cavalier or glib – that wasn’t my intention, and I apologize. Carry on!”

One commenter responded, “That was not your point, but keep trying.”

Snodgrass represents the state’s district including Appleton and Fox Crossing.

Fox News pointed out Snodgrass is the second vice chair of the state’s Democrat Party.

She took a tongue-lashing online, where a commentary at Twitchy cited the number of people who reacted immediately, grabbing the statement before Snodgrass could delete it successfully.

“There are actually quite a lot of people who grabbed Snodgrass’ tweet before she tried to memory-hole it. Guess something told them that she might try to flush it.”

Twitchy said, “And some messes are just too messy to clean up, no matter how hard you try.”

Twitchy added, “Lee will no doubt be very, very popular with public school parents at her next town hall!”

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