
Why The Tale Of Ashley Biden’s Diary Should Ruin Joe’s Life

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Before Joe Biden thoroughly ruins our lives, here’s another scandal you should know about.

I know there have been plenty of “bad judgments” that have severely affected us in the U.S., from the Afghanistan withdrawal, his insistence on canceling fossil fuel opportunities in America to fight “climate change,” the inflation nightmare, his secretive “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of inviting a record invasion of illegals from all over the globe into our country, the supply chain crisis, the baby formula shortage, record crime, blaming Donald Trump and his supporters for an “insurrection” in the Capitol that Nancy Pelosi planned and … well, lots of additional embarrassing decisions we can’t even take the time to get into here.

Oh, let’s not forget that Biden is an illegitimate president to start. He had to know what the “2000 Mules” film proved while the rest of the media covered it up for the Democrats who actually planned to rig his election.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The FBI did dirty work on cleaning up another walking Biden scandal. No, that does not include the “investigation” of Hunter Biden, which seems never to be completed or acknowledged. This time it was his daughter, Ashley.

Ashley Biden (Video screenshot)
Ashley Biden (Video screenshot)

She had a diary. You might recall the FBI blamed James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, a journalist and whistleblower, for having it in his possession. It would not be illegal to have it in his possession. The diary was discovered by Aimee Harris at a Palm Beach “halfway house.” It had been left there by Ashley Biden, apparently carelessly, though the Biden family reported it stolen. Harris is not being investigated for stealing it but for selling it for $40,000.

Do you want to know what’s so juicy about the diary?

What did the FBI care so much about?

What was the FBI doing for months or years of searching with countless agents involved in an another embarrassment for the Bidens?

The diary relates how Ashley Biden recalled “showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)” and details her drug use and related sex addiction. And when did Harris discover it under the mattress of Ashley Biden’s bed? In June of 2020 – when it would have proven very embarrassing for someone asking Americans for their vote.

The diary revealed the shocking and sensitive information, finally broken days ago by the Daily Mail, such as details about Ashley’s chronic drug abuse, sex addiction and being “hyper-sexualized” in her youth.

“I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),” she wrote in a January 2019 entry.

Now 41, Ashley blames Biden for affairs outside her marriage and how her finances were “down to the wire” and how she made Joe cry with worry over her ahead of a Democratic primary debate. Her writings also show Ashley may have been using drugs while helping campaign for her father in 2019.

Ashley Biden is the only child of Joe Biden’s marriage to Jill Biden. Like Hunter, the president’s daughter has a long history of drug use and scandals. Court records show that in 2001 she was evicted from her home in New Orleans. She had a third run-in with the law in August 2002, when she was arrested for allegedly obstructing officers trying to break up a bar fight in Chicago. She reportedly “blocked the officer’s path and made intimidating statements” after one of the assailants threw a bottle at the police. In March 2009, an anonymous informant approached the New York Post with a video they claimed showed Ashley snorting cocaine at a party in Delaware that month. The paper declined to purchase the video but ran a story about it. The newspaper reported that in the video, a woman resembling Ashley snorted lines of white powder on a desk through a red straw, and later shouted “‘Shut the f*** up” to others in the room.

The Post reported that lawyers who were touting the video for their client claimed, “At one point she pretty much complains that the line isn’t big enough,” and that “She talks about her dad,” adding that they had been offered $250,000 for the footage.

Enough! That’s all you need to know about the scandal – except what Tucker Carlson quipped several nights ago about the showering, if you missed it:

“If that’s not child molestation, it’s definitely close.”

Carlson also questioned why the FBI was investigating the alleged theft of a diary as it is not a federal crime. BINGO!

He also said that Joe Biden was effectively using the feds as his secret police force. Does that surprise you?

Carlson also questioned why liberal media outlets had largely chosen to ignore the diary story – just as they had the Hunter Biden laptop scandal before the 2020 election scandal, only to later admit the sordid contents of the president’s son’s hard drive were real.

And, lastly, there are plenty of “creepy Joe” stories to go around involving children – innocent kids. And there’s also Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer, who accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in a hallway in 1993, which he denied.

Will this be enough for the new Republican super-majorities expected next year to impeach “creepy Joe” and replace him and Kamala Harris as president and vice president with President Donald Trump? See tomorrow’s column on just how that can actually be accomplished.

You can make it happen, America!

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