
Why is our military involved in Yemen?

Since 2015, the United States has had troops participating in actions against the country of Yemen. This is not selling weapons to Saudi Arabia or any of their coalition. This is the armed forces having members helping plan and target people and sites in the nation. While the U.S. had already caused controversy with using drones in the country, the Obama Administration upped that when the Yemenis ran all official U.S. government personnel out. The Yemen situation is on many levels distressing and the government of the United States stepping into a regional issue it should not have.

The problems in Yemen:

Yemen has had a long history of turmoil. Until a few decades ago, it was two nations from a split in the differences of the regions in the nation. The tribes and the central government have never fully seen eye to eye. The tribes have been powerful even before the central government tried to be more of a power. The central government has been in control of the cities, which have been on the rise. Outside the cities, the government has had control, but allowed the tribes a lot of autonomy.

Since the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, the U.S. had been operating in some manner in the country. They were supposedly going after the Al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula(AQAP), who was responsible for the attack. Over the years, most of the presence was by using drones to attack suspected targets. The drone strikes killed many innocents, which went on into the Obama Administration. The strikes had some approval by the central government. All of this destabilized the already uneasy nation to the breaking point.

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Basically, Yemen is much like the 1880s in the U.S. There are cities, where most everyone lives. These folks are trying to be as modern as possible. They are dealing with the government and being as civilized as they can be in a government ran by a force of personality. In the wilds are tribal entities and those trying to be just as wild. They are the minority. They try to keep a way of life alive that few care about. This is Yemen that led to the rise of the Arab Spring and Houthi Network.

There came a perfect storm in the country for a civil war. The Houthis ran the United States out, the Arab Spring happened, and the people who felt the most beaten down joined the Houthis. The AQAP has mixed in with these groups, but still is not the player the media says they are. Since all of this happened on the border of the Saudis, they decided to step in. They built a coalition of other Muslim nations and went to take over. Though they deny it, Iran has been helping the Houthis and their allies.

That is the world of the everyday Yemeni. Around eighty percent of the people of the nation need help because there is an extreme lack of food and medical care. Basic services are just not there. The war that is happening has caused quite a bit of grief, just to try to keep a status quo that was barely working. There are no winners in any of this and the United States has troops helping.

What the military is doing:

The troops of the United States has been helping since 2015. They keep doing it even now. The first thing they are doing is helping with aerial target assistance. That means drones and more drones. The second way that the U.S. is helping is by using their intelligence resources to assist the coalition. The third is by helping to refuel in the air those aircraft of the coalition being used in strikes. The U.S. also recently started the Joint Combined Planning Cell.

The United States is not the only Western power that has assisted heavily. The British are sending material, advisers, and Special Forces. All of this is to assist Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to help his ally of the Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi. All of this is supposed to stop collateral damage, but, as stated, the humanitarian crisis has risen beyond the scope of what anyone has seen since the droughts in Africa.

Joint Resolution:

Congress is considering a Joint Resolution which the President can’t veto. It is part of the War Resolutions Act, which states that Congress can tell the President to remove troops from somewhere that there has been no declaration of war. The United States, while spending some tax dollars and getting paid by the Saudis, is participating in another war.

There is no talk about this on the national news, nor is it common knowledge. All the same, The United States has troops in the air and boots on the ground. This has happened all too often and this time, it is happening in a region that is already unstable to the point that people come here and kill Americans when we interfere. There is no clear goal, other than the support of Saudi Arabia. This has also spanned multiple Administrations and political party support.

The resolution can be seen below:


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