
White House Quietly ‘Corrects’ 9 False Statements by Biden in NAACP Speech Transcript — Media Silent

Once again, the White House has quietly “corrected” a slew of false statements by Biden in an official transcript of a Biden speech… and also once again the media is ignoring these “corrections.”

What other president would the media stand silent as a White House continually makes alterations to hide a president’s false statements on official transcripts?

100 years from now, someone will read these transcripts and have no idea how often Biden has lied in official speeches because the transcripts have been sanitized for the Democrat’s protection.

If this was the Trump White House routinely altering the official records to “correct” with Trump said, the media would be losing its leftist, hive mind.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Per HotAir:

A whopping nine corrections have been made to the transcript of Biden’s speech at the NAACP event in Detroit on Sunday.

In one case, for instance, Biden said that the COVID pandemic occurred while he was vice president under Obama. But in truth it started close to 4 years after he left the vice presidency and the year before he entered the White House as president.

… Biden made both factual and pronunciation errors. He told a story about being vice president during the pandemic and President Obama sending him to Detroit to take care of things there. That was ridiculous, of course. That claim was soon debunked with the facts – Biden went to Detroit to meet with representatives from the auto industry during the recession. The White House fixed that craziness by crossing out “pandemic” and replacing it with “recession.”

Mere moments later, Biden told the NAACP he was “humbled to receive this organization.” In the transcript, the White House crossed out “organization” and corrected it with “award.”

The comical line, “We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down,” was changed to, “We’re cracking down on corporate landlords to keep rents down,” while another unfortunate sentence describing those who took part in the Capitol riots as “irrectionists” was corrected to “insurrectionists.”

Smaller mistakes were also corrected in the transcript and included moments where Biden said “inspiresing” instead of “inspiring,” “have” instead of “are,” and “NAAC” instead of “NAACP.”

And has the media made note of how shocking it is that a White House is running clean up duty to make the official, permanent records look more like Biden knew what he was talking about?

Of course not.

That is because the media is part of the Democrat Party and, like their patrons, feel that the ends justify the means.

Biden also made another serious gaffe in the last few days.

During his remarks at a celebration for Jewish American Heritage Month in the Rose Garden at the White House, Biden said of one of the Israeli citizens that Nazi Hamas terrorists kidnapped was there in the room with them during the speech.

“And here with us today is Hersh Goldberg-Polin…” he said. But Polin has never been released by Hamas and is likely murdered.

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Cross-posted with The Lid


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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.

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