White House launches website where victims of big tech censorship can tell their stories
On Wednesday, the White House launched a new website where victims of big tech censorship can tell their stories.
“SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS should advance FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Yet too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear “violations” of user policies,” the site, which can be seen here, states.
“No matter your views, if you suspect political bias caused such an action to be taken against you, share your story with President Trump.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
From there, users can tell the president what censorship they have experienced and can leave email addresses and phone numbers where they can be reached. Additionally, users have the ability to post up to two photos showing what has been done to them.
The site comes on the heels of a tweet in which the president said he was watching and monitoring the censorship by sites like Facebook, Twitter and others.
He also addressed the banning of conservatives and libertarians from multiple sites:
We have documented numerous examples of censorship by Facebook and Twitter, two sites that are now part of what this writer calls the “Silicon Valley Axis of Evil” working to silence conservative voices online.
This is, by no means, a new problem. American Israeli Adina Kutnicki and I addressed this in our 2016 book, “Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.” In that book, we exposed the company’s double standards and warned the situation would only get worse if nothing was done.
Congressional Republicans have held hearings on the issue and legislators in some states have introduced the Stop Social Media Censorship Act, a measure that would give private users the right to sue in the event of political or religious censorship.
But nothing concrete has been accomplished and it seems that big tech is continuing the push to enact Orwellian censorship against those whose political views fall to the right of center.
The White House move is a good one, as it gives users the ability to let the president know just how bad the problem really is.
If you are one of the many users who have been wrongly censored, banned, defamed or have lost pages and/or accounts for questionable reasons, you need to go here, right now, and fill out this form.
Here is the website link for those who may have missed it earlier: (https://whitehouse.typeform.com/to/Jti9QH)
This is YOUR chance to let President Trump know just how bad things really are on social media.
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