
Whistleblower Recording Outs Trump Prosecutor Fani Willis For Possible Fraud Cover-Up

For all the song and dance about protecting sacrosanct whistleblowers we saw during impeachment 1.0, Dems don’t seem to hold themselves to those same rules.

This leaked tape make it look like Fani Willis fired one of her staffers… for trying to make sure her office followed the law, instead of spending money on unapproved expenditures.

The woman who wrote out the grant application confronted someone who was planning to spend it on all sorts of unrelated spending. When he blew her off, she went up the chain to Fani Willis. The conversation was recorded and it does NOT put Willis in a good light.

Remember, this is the same woman who is trying to charge Trump on another of those novel cases her party has been throwing at Trump. She has legal trouble of her own — including an impeachment being brought up against how she has misused her office for personal gain.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Shouldn’t someone trying to throw Trump in prison expected to be, oh, I dunno, honest?

If she’s facing reasonable allegations of sketchy or even criminal behavior on her own part, doesn’t that undermine the credibility of her own case against Trump?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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