
‘We Must Be Naked’: Hunter Biden ‘Demanded Sex From Employee’

The Daily Mail, which obtained a copy of the hard drive from that infamous laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop, is reporting that it documents how the president’s son demanded video sex from an employee, on the threat of withholding her pay.

The hard drive has revealed a long list of unsavory behaviors on the part of Hunter Biden, and even has implicated Joe Biden in some questionable financial transactions, such as the 10% the “big guy” was supposed to be getting from one of Hunter’s schemes involving Chinese officials.

The Daily Mail periodically has done a deep dive into the details from the hard drive, each time revealing questionable behavior.

Th newest scenario is that Hunter “threatened one of his cash-strapped young female staffers with withholding her pay if she didn’t FaceTime him for sex,” the report said.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The young woman, 29 at the time, was not identified by the report. But she worked as an assistant at Hunter’s firm, Owasco, in 2018 and 2019.

The drive details show “Hunter asking for video sex sessions and sending her cash via Apple Pay after she pleaded that she was struggling to make the rent.”

Hunter Biden seen in a bathtub with a cigarette in his mouth
Hunter Biden seen in a bathtub with a cigarette in his mouth

The assistant first appeared on Hunter’s laptop in June 2018, “when he flew her from Los Angeles to Washington.”

Hunter “filmed and photographed her having sex with him round that time and saved the images on his laptop.”

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But in January 2019, she emailed Hunter’s secretary asking why she had not gotten a December paycheck of $837.06, and why her company health insurance was inactive.

He apologized for treating her so poorly, and invited her to New Hampshire, to which she responded she could barely pay the rent.

“Days later he texted her saying he would pay her but that she had to video chat with him,” the report charged.

“I will [m]ake up for back pay. You have to make up for back work. By FTiming me and/or going to our next-club party,” he demanded. “When can you face time? If we FT the rule has to be no talk of anything but sex and we must be naked and we have to do whatever the other person asks within reason.”

Amid the exchanges, Hunter sent her $2,750 via Apple Pay.

He also told her to “set phone up [so] I can spy on you showering.”

The report said the woman is named in the Suspicious Activity Reports filed by JP Morgan Chase with the U.S. Treasury, citing suspicions transactions by Hunter Biden.

The Mail report said an investigative team found payments from Hunter or his company to the woman in 2018 totaling $40,500.08.

EDITOR’S NOTE: What is behind the current war against America’s children? Why are so many adults killing their unborn children right up to the moment of birth, or even after? Why are millions of kids sexualized virtually from birth, and injected with an experimental “vaccine” proven to be both ineffective and dangerous, then as toddlers transported to events glorifying mentally ill, demonically possessed men dressed as women?

Why are America’s children systematically sexualized at school, and by transgender recruiters on social media platforms like TikTok, seducing many into “identifying” as the opposite gender, or a brand-new imaginary gender, then encouraged to take powerful drugs and hormones and have their healthy breasts amputated or undergo chemical or surgical castration?

Why are our children simultaneously indoctrinated with toxic Marxist ideologies like “critical race theory” intended to condition them to hate and reject their own country, parents, faith, race, gender and themselves? Why are they simultaneously being frightened of the future by being fed lurid, terrifying – and groundless – apocalyptic tales of the imminent destruction of the world due to global warming?

No wonder youth suicides have skyrocketed, as have depression, anxiety, addiction and drug overdoses. Indeed, fentanyl, the No. 1 cause of death of younger Americans 18 to 45, destroys multitudes of children annually.

Make no mistake: The harm being done to America’s children in this multi-front war is not accidental: Children are the primary target.

WHY? How can all this be happening in the greatest nation on earth? Who and what is behind it? And HOW CAN IT BE STOPPED?

Find out in the explosive January issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, “WINNING THE WAR AGAINST AMERICA’S CHILDREN,” available in both print and state-of-the-art digital editions.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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Bob Unruh, WND News Center

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles at https://www.wndnewscenter.org/author/bob-unruh/

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