Washington Post calls Kanye West an ‘alt-right darling’
Apparently, the folks at the far-left Washington Post think anyone whose political views are somewhere to the right of Josef Stalin is “alt-right.” In a ridiculous op-ed at the paper, columnist Molly Roberts called Kanye West an “alt-right darling” after he signaled support for statements made by Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens, who shut down a Black Lives Matter protester saying she prefers blacks have a victor mentality instead of a victim mentality.
West responded:
I love the way Candace Owens thinks
— ye (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018
That didn’t sit too well with Roberts, who wrote:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Kanye West was having a great weekend, until he wasn’t. One moment, the rapper-producer-entrepreneur was dispensing pearls of pseudo-philosophy on Twitter to the retweets of adoring observers. The next, many of those same admirers had turned to denouncing him instead. Oh, and he had become an alt-right darling. Whatever West is going through at the moment, the response to his Twitter spree reveals more about the people who have fled from him — and those who’ve flocked to him, too.
West’s fortunes reversed when he expressed his admiration on Saturday for red-pill YouTuber Candace Owens, an African American Donald Trump supporter known for, among other things, referring to Black Lives Matter protesters as “whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention.”
Opinion: Kanye West, alt-right darling https://t.co/AKXkI0RwBA
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) April 24, 2018
“So how, exactly, is Kanye West ‘alt-right’?” Twitchy asked. “And how did his fortunes reverse, exactly? His fans are still fans; the only ones who seem butthurt are the handful of journalists writing about it.”
Good questions.
Her piece sparked a great deal of mockery on social media:
You did it: you published a piece beyond satire.
— Razor (@hale_razor) April 24, 2018
I legit couldn't stop laughing the whole time I read this ? https://t.co/yKI53CAlL4
— Bucks In Six (@sage_alex) April 24, 2018
Create a fake derogatory term “alt-right” and then apply it to literally anyone who thinks even the slightest bit differently than you. This strategy sounds familiar….
— Socrates Johnson (@socratesjonson) April 24, 2018
Yes, it does.
You seem a little upset that someone expressed their opinions that differ then what he's supposed to be or expected to be having from his peers,I would say get over it but obviously it tough for liberals to get over certain things
— I Am Mike (@myknyt) April 24, 2018
"Anyone who disagrees with us is alt-right" https://t.co/2sxjkD1WdS
— Ben McDonald (@Bmac0507) April 24, 2018
That’s pretty much it…
I thought the alt-right were white supremacist nazis. ?Did they change again?
We need a tracker. https://t.co/FmH5uvO2of— Chad Felix Greene ?? (@chadfelixg) April 24, 2018
Actually, the left these days views anyone with a conservative view on anything as a Nazi. Or a Russian. Or a Russian Nazi.
Everyone you disagree with is the Alt Right…good grief you people are pathetic…in case you haven't noticed the Alt Right can't get 20 people to an event that is highly promoted by the MSM https://t.co/CxZWus6qCr
— Yvonne Burton Ephesians 6:12 (@_YvonneBurton) April 24, 2018
Keep in mind this is the same paper that suggested anyone with a certain short haircut may be a white nationalist.
I mean nothing says “icon for legions of Richard Spencer fans” like one of the most culturally influential Black men alive, right? https://t.co/ycFBhnSvsv
— Tiana Lowe (@TianaTheFirst) April 24, 2018
So what’s the goal? One person suggested:
Sorry, but the far left has already gone crazy — they’re just getting more insane with each passing day.
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