A pro-Hillary group that used one of her top lawyers to sue for voter suppression is now being investigated for voter fraud. (That never happens) Actually, it’s no longer a matter of if they committed voter fraud, it’s a question of how much voter fraud they committed.
Marc Elias a partner at the Washington, D.C., law firm Perkins Coie, and general counsel for Clinton’s presidential campaign, filed a lawsuit against Ohio for voter suppression. It was one of three states he filed in and whose funding comes from George Soros.
Michael Vachon, spokesman for George Soros, commented about the suit:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“It is disingenuous to suggest that these laws are meant to protect against voter fraud, which is nearly nonexistent. Clearly they are meant to give Republicans a political advantage on Election Day.”
Nonexistent? One group was caught red-handed registering dead people to vote. Not only did they have their name and had a signature, they also had correct driver’s license numbers and correct Social Security numbers. That sound nonexistent to you? The county’s elections chief, Adam Booth said it was obvious almost immediately that the group was falsifying voter registrations. Besides the dead, they also registered people to wrong addresses with incorrect birth dates and many of the signatures were written by the same person.
Booth said:
“The forms were riddled with errors and all tied to this group. You can tell the same person filled out some of the same forms and forged signatures. There are wrong dates of births and wrong addresses on others. It became a pattern.”
John Husted, Ohio Secretary of State sent out advisories to all Ohio counties:
“Anytime we receive reports that invalid and fraudulent voter registrations are being submitted we take it seriously and will work to ensure those individuals or groups responsible are held accountable.”
Evidently, the Clinton campaign found out Ohio was investigating the group and Elias dropped them from the lawsuit and replaced it with the Ohio State Democratic Party.
Christian Adams, an attorney who leads the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a group that has stepped up to fight Soros, explained why doing this is so important in Ohio:
“Voter registration fraud has infected the last two presidential elections in Ohio—all of it to help Obama. It’s exactly why the state legislature enacted election integrity reforms and seemingly why Democrats are fighting so hard against them.”
[Ed. note: Ohio happens to be where one of the most notorious cases of voter fraud took place. There, a poll worker actually committed fraud, voting multiple times. Naturally, Al Sharpton and Democrats honored her...]Front groups for Hillary Clinton have now been caught in Ohio and Nevada breaking the law. In case you missed it, here is the open and shut criminal case in Nevada:
H/T The PC Graveyard
- Hungary’s Viktor Orban Accuses Soros of Using Refugees to Weaken Europe
- Obama Government Funds Possible Large Voter Fraud Plan for 2016
- Audio: Talking voter fraud on the Conservative Commando radio show
- Site says Obama stole election through voter fraud
- Evidence of massive voter fraud discovered in North Carolina 2012 election
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