Video: Witness at Cruz hearing accuses two Muslim congressmen of ties to Muslim Brotherhood

On Tuesday, Chris Gaubatz, a national security consultant with the group Understanding the Treat, testified at a Senate hearing conducted by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, addressing the threat of Islamic terrorism inside the United States. During his testimony, Gaubatz said that Reps. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., and Andre Carson, D-Ind., attended and spoke at an event organized by a Muslim Brotherhood group.
“I attended a convention in Columbus, Ohio, in 2008, organized by Muslim Brotherhood group, ISNA, and both the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons had recruitment and outreach booths,” he said. “Both Congressman Keith Ellison, MN, and Andre Carson, IN, spoke at the Muslim Brotherhood event.”
He also said:
“During my time conducting undercover research as an intern for Hamas, both at CAIR MD/VA in Herndon, VA, and CAIR National in Washington DC, I preserved documents that revealed Hamas doing business as CAIR: conspired to cover-up fraud committed by one of their immigration attorneys; discussed coordinating with Bin Laden and his associates; placed staffers and interns inside congressional offices -conspired to influence congress, specifically judiciary, intelligence, and homeland security committees; impacted congressional districts, tasking each Hamas Chapter office with influencing at least two legislators.”
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The Daily Caller added:
Gaubatz also claimed he ordered books from the Saudi embassy “on the virtue of jihad and martyrdom” and worked “with a Muslim law enforcement officer to influence a major terrorism investigation by accessing a classified federal police database and tipping off the suspect”
Other witnesses warned the committee Tuesday that Muslim Brotherhood influence found its way through the federal government and law enforcement.
Here’s video of his testimony, courtesy of CSPAN:
Naturally, this didn’t sit too well with the Democrat-media complex, which sought to undermine the seriousness of Gaubatz’s testimony.
The Huffington Post said:
Allegations that Ellison and Carson are secret Muslim agents with extremist leanings are usually found among fringe groups online, often discussed in dire tones on poorly designed websites. Rarely, if ever, do such sentiments get read into congressional testimony, with the imprimatur that offers.
Responsibility for this rare instance lies with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who oversaw the hearing as chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts and whose staff likely saw the testimonies of the witnesses.
Translation: Ignore the real threat — attack Cruz.
Another site called Gaubatz an “anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist“:
“Gaubatz’s testimony seemed to be built entirely out of anti-Islamic conspiracy theories, but no Republican member of Congress condemned his remarks. Gaubatz went on to say that the FBI and DHS had been infiltrated by pro-Hamas jihadists — based on the fact that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security had “recruitment and outreach booths” at a 2008 ISNA conference. He also noted that two Muslim members of Congress, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., and Andre Carson, D.-Ind, spoke “at the Muslim Brotherhood event.”
Pamela Geller, however, observed:
It took ten years — better late than never. Ted Cruz is a one-man army. The sharia-compliant enemedia is ignoring it, of course, except the hard left, which is indulging in the usual ridicule and poking fun. It is illustrative of how they sanction and support the jihad cause. But years from now, when historians study the infiltration and takedown of individual rights and freedoms in accordance with the sharia, these hearings will be crucial to their research.
According to leftists, Islamic terrorism doesn’t exist because in their view, Islam is a “religion of peace.” Never mind the actions and words of the terrorists themselves.
But the threat, as former Customs and Border Protection Officer Philip Haney noted, is very real.
“The threat we face today – that continues growing, despite the Willful Blindness of those who insist on pretending otherwise – are not the tactical methods of violent extremism, terrorism, or even operative verbs such as Jihad, but rather, the historical and universally recognized Islamic strategic goal of implementing Shariah law everywhere in the world, so that no other form of government (including the U.S. Constitution) is able to oppose its influence over the lives of those who must either submit to its authority, become second-class citizens, or perish,” he said.
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