
Video: Watch Barack Obama Admit to Heavy Drinking, Drug Problems During School Years

My, how the standards have changed in the era of Trump.

Initially, the Democrat assault on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s character involved supposed claims of sexual misconduct from his high school days, but as those stories have slowly fallen apart, the focus has shifted to beer drinking.

Because drinking as a teenager is disqualifying … or something.

The New York Times even sank so low as to run a story in which Kavanaugh got into a barroom scuffle that involved – gasp! – throwing ice. What an animal!

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The media and the Democrat party weren’t always this prudish. There was a time when a man could hold the highest office in the land and it didn’t matter that he was an avid pot-smoker, drank heavily, or used other illegal drugs.

In fact, President Choom Gang Obama was considered charming to many on the left because he made some mistakes as a youngster but freely admitted to them.

Former President Bill Clinton admitted to smoking marijuana but couldn’t quite commit fully to the truth, something he struggled with throughout his lifetime.

“When I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn’t like it,” Clinton famously explained. “I didn’t inhale it, and never tried it again.”

Barack Obama, by contrast, in 2006 admitted: “I inhaled frequently … that was the point.”

Somehow, it wasn’t a disqualifying confession.

And let’s not forget Obama’s ‘Choom Gang’ days, a group of heavy marijuana users whom the former President hung out with and even gave props to in his senior yearbook.


Kavanaugh drank beer and is almost literally the devil in the eyes of Democrats. But Obama was a stoner and drinker but it was totes cool.

Then there’s this …

A video has resurfaced showing Obama freely admitting that as a high school and college student, he frequently partook in heavy drinking – to the tune of “a six-pack in an hour” – was a “thug,” and used illegal drugs.

“I didn’t take school that seriously,” Obama stated in the ‘History Makers’ video. “I got into fights. I drank and did —and consumed substances that weren’t always legal.”

Remember, Obama admitted to cocaine use in his biography, Dreams From My Father.

“I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years,” he wrote. “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it.”

Wait a minute. We’re now being told that all of this behavior, behavior that Obama freely admits to engaging in, is disqualifying.

Hell, we’d better retroactively impeach Obama if that is the case.

Democrats believe beer drinking by Kavanaugh during high school means he doesn’t have the temperament for a lifetime appointment on the nation’s highest court.

They also believe beer drinking, pot-smoking, and illicit drug use by Obama during high school amounts to veritable sainthood.

That’s what happens when you have, at best, shifting principals, and at worst, no principals at all. The Democrat party in a nutshell.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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