Video: Unhinged liberal mocks conservative students, throws Hitler salute
Liberalism, as I’ve repeatedly said since February 2011, is an ideology of rage and hate. Making matters worse is the fact that liberals have become so unhinged after Donald Trump’s election that it is literally impossible to engage in a civil discussion with so many of them. A video posted to Facebook on Monday by Turning Point News demonstrates what happens when conservative students engaged with an aging and obviously angry liberal who called them Nazis and threw the Hitler salute.
According to Alana Mastrangelo, the incident took place at Western Michigan University on Friday.
The students remained calm and civil and tried to have a polite discussion with the man, but he refused to have it. He even got more profane and irate when the students correctly pointed out that Hitler was a socialist.
Here’s the video (Warning: Graphic language, since that is apparently the only way liberals can speak):
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Mastrangelo posted a transcript of the conversation, a portion of which can be seen below:
LEFTIST: “The Republican Party owns American Nazism.”
STUDENT: “That’s not how that works at all.”
LEFTIST: “It is exactly how it works in 2017.”
STUDENT: “So in 2018, is it not–”
LEFTIST: “You own this now, you own American Nazis. You own Steve Bannon, all this s*** is all yours.”
Got that? All Republicans are Nazis, according to this unhinged hatemonger. There’s a reason for this type of language, as Dilbert creator Scott Adams explained:
“…Once you define Trump as Hitler, you also give citizens moral permission to kill him. And obviously it would be okay to kill anyone who actively supports a genocidal dictator, including anyone who wrote about his persuasion skills in positive terms. (I’m called an ‘apologist’ on Twitter, or sometimes just Joseph Goebbels).”
And it’s not just Trump, but it’s also his supporters as well, which explains the rise of the domestic terror group Antifa.
Mastrangelo added:
At one point, the man turns his attention toward the female student who’s filming and says “Film me, please {make it viral}, please, I love it, then you can laugh at me, I love it. You guys are f****** hilarious.”
The Leftist then points out the Turning Point USA t-shirt she is wearing, which says ‘Big Government Sucks’ and continues hurl profanities at the female student.
LEFTIST: “You go to a f****** government-funded f****** school. You know, ‘big government sucks,’ yeah, big government ended child labor, f****** t***. God.”
And on it goes.
The students handled themselves quite well, even in the face of blind seething hate. At no point did they lose their temper or respond in kind, even though this creature would, in all probability, kill these students if he thought he could get away with it. Hyperbole? Hardly, as we’ve reported here, here, here, here and here.
The encounter ended when the man called the students “rich f***s.” Nice guy. One can’t help but wonder if he would pull that act on someone his own age…
Mastrangelo said this is just one account showing how conservatives are treated by liberal elites on college campuses today.
This man, however, did perform one extremely valuable service: He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that liberalism, at its core, is an ideology of insane hate and rage.
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