
Video: Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Do Ultrasounds Unless You Want An Abortion

Planned ParenthoodLila Rose and Live Action have dumped another load of incriminating videos on Planned Parenthood. Last year, the pro-life group responsible for a series of undercover videos in which Planned Parenthood employees showed a fundamental lack of respect for human life. Now they have released another video calculated to embarrass the giant abortion provider with the words of its own workers.

The new video, “Abortion Corporation,” debunks Planned Parenthood’s claim that the group is about more than abortion. In the three-minute video, undercover women ask Planned Parenthood workers for a prenatal ultrasound. The video shows 14 conversations in 10 states. In every case, the Planned Parenthood workers say that they cannot provide prenatal ultrasounds.

A clinic worker in Corning, N.Y. tells a pregnant mother, “We tell you you’re pregnant and then we offer to do the abortion.”

The mother persists, “So, other than a pregnancy test, I heard you guys had ultrasounds? Would it be possible…”

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The clinic worker cuts her off, “No, we only do ultrasounds if you are terminating.”

In St. Louis, a woman asks if she can get an ultrasound to determine if her baby is healthy. “No, nope, not something we offer,” is the curt reply from the Planned Parenthood worker.

A Council Bluffs, Iowa clinic worker says, “No, we don’t do any ultrasounds for prenatal care. We do them when we’re doing abortions, but not for any other reason.”

Several Planned Parenthood workers said that their ultrasounds only provide a confirmation of the pregnancy and how far along the pregnancy is. When a caller asks why, a Fayetteville, N.C. receptionist says, “That would be for our abortion services. That is the only thing that we do at our health centers.”

A Winston-Salem, N.C. worker confirms, “’Cause that [abortion] is the only service that we do. We don’t do any prenatal care or adoption here.”

One worker in Albuquerque, N.M. refers the woman to an OB/GYN who can give a “more detailed” ultrasound because “there is nothing we can do to help you here.”

Some viewers may wonder if the clinics in the video were cherry-picked? Maybe Live Action just included the clinics that refused to help the pregnant women who wanted to keep their babies. Live Action does admit that some clinics did not turn their investigators away. Of 68 clinics approached, three agreed to provide a prenatal ultrasound without an abortion.

Planned Parenthood claims on its website that “three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services” and that “80 percent of our patients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.” Prenatal care is not listed as one of the group’s missions, but a search of the website does reveal that prenatal care is offered by some Planned Parenthood clinics.

Planned Parenthood receives more than $360 million annually from federal and state governments. Federal law prohibits federal funds from being used to provide abortions except in cases of rape, incest or where the mother’s life is in danger.

Republicans made several attempts to cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood under President Obama. Some states have made similar attempts as well. During the campaign, President Trump’s message on Planned Parenthood was mixed, but he ultimately favored defunding the group as well.

Originally published on The Resurgent


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David Thornton

David Thornton is a longtime conservative and freelance writer who also works as a corporate pilot. He currently lives in Texas.

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