
Video of the Day: Mayorkas Tells NBC, ‘We Don’t Bear Responsibility’ For Our Open Border

While appearing on Sunday’s edition of NBC’s Meet the Press, embattled DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed that the Biden Regime has no responsibility whatsoever for the open border despite all the facts to the contrary.

During the interview, Mayorkas agreed there is a crisis at the border, but claimed that only Congress can fix it.  This despite the fact that Joe Biden unilaterally opened the border with a series of executive orders shortly after his installation as president.

Here’s the video:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Naturally, people had thoughts about this latest lie:

It’s called “gaslighting.”

Heh. Don’t hold your breath. However, there is an election coming in November and that would be an excellent time to hold all of them accountable. Of course, that assumes we have a country left…

The Gateway Pundit reminds us this is just part of the Democrat nine-step plan to falsely blame Trump and the Republicans for Biden’s open border.

Step one, flood the country for three years with millions of illegal aliens.
Step two, watch approval numbers on the border drop below 20%.
Step three, election year is here. Decide you need to act now that you’ve let millions of illegals into the country and the American people are pissed.
Step four, line up some rhinos in the Senate to assist with the next phase of the plan.
Step five, work with the RINOs on a bipartisan basis to devise a garbage piece of legislation that would make the crisis considerably worse.
Step six, ensure the bill is so bad that becomes toxic for Republicans, so much so that even the Republican RINO leadership who helped negotiate it is forced to abandon it.
Step seven, message the doomed legislation as the strongest immigration and border bill in history, knowing the media will faithfully echo your propaganda.
Step eight, claim the only reason Republicans abandon the bill is because Trump wants to use the open border as a campaign issue.
Step nine, adopt your new 2024 campaign mantra the border crisis is Trump’s fault.

Indeed.  Only one person is responsible for the current state of the border: Joe Biden, the lying, evil, demented fraud installed as president in 2021.


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