
Video of the Day: Eric Holder called for ‘brainwashing’ people on gun control in 1995

As is always the case after any tragic shooting that gets national attention, anti-gunners ramp up calls for more gun control.  The recent shootings in Dayton and El Paso are certainly no different, but this time we now have Republicans apparently willing to pass some form of “red flag” laws — laws that strip Americans of their constitutional right to due process — to confiscate guns.

It’s as though a large segment of the population has been brainwashed into accepting the idea of giving up their God-given rights to appease leftists — who, by the way, will never be satisfied until the Second Amendment is stripped from the Bill of Rights.

Which brings us to this piece of vintage video.  In it, then-U.S. attorney Eric Holder advocated brainwashing people to accept gun control after calling for a media campaign against gun ownership.

He went on to say that he had asked the school board to make anti-gun propaganda part of their everyday routine.

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“We just have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday. We have to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way,” he said.

Here’s the video:

Writing at Reason.com in 2012, Nick Gillespie noted:

What I find most interesting about this clip is the simplicity of Holder’s conception that media or fantasy violence creates the real thing. This was a stock issue not just of the Clinton administration but of GOP congressional leaders as well, as readers of Reason will well remember. Holder would eventually be appointed as a deputy to Attorney General Janet Reno, whose ardent belief in threatening censorship to Hollywood types and videogame makers shouldn’t be quickly forgotten. Despite the utter lack of relevant data, we wasted way too much time in the 1990s debating whether certain forms of expression should be restricted to comply with the aesthetic tastes of Washington’s power elite.


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