Video: Democrat Kamala Harris declares Abrams, Gillum rightful governors of Georgia, Florida

While adopting a fake southern accent, Kamala Harris, one of the many Democrats vying for the White House in 2020, declared that Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum would be the governors of Georgia and Florida, respectively, “without voter suppression.”
The Hill noted in a tweet: “Sen. @KamalaHarris speaks to Detroit @NAACP: ‘Let’s say this loud and clear — without voter suppression, @StaceyAbrams would be the governor of Georgia, @AndrewGillum is the governor of Florida. So the truth is we need a new Voting Rights Act.'”
Sen. @KamalaHarris speaks to Detroit @NAACP: "Let's say this loud and clear — without voter suppression, @StaceyAbrams would be the governor of Georgia, @AndrewGillum is the governor of Florida. So the truth is we need a new Voting Rights Act."
— The Hill (@thehill) May 6, 2019
“So the truth is, we need a new voting rights act,” Harris added, suggesting that Election Day be made a national holiday.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Biz Pac Review noted:
Democrat Abrams lost to Republican Brian Kemp by about 60,000 votes. Abrams refused to concede for a period of more than one week amid her failed allegations of widespread voter suppression. Eventually, she walked away, but slammed Kemp and the state for “gross mismanagement” of the election. Abrams is currently under a Georgia state ethics probe for financial irregularities in her campaign run.
Democrat Gillum’s bid to become governor of Florida ended when his vote count came up 34,000 short of Republican Ron DeSantis after a machine recount of votes. Democrats complained that there were reports some voters were turned away following ID card discrepancies.
Remember when Hillary Clinton whined about Trump allegedly not accepting the results of the 2020 election if he lost? Democrats, it seems, refuse to accept the outcome of any election they lose.
One Twitter user translated Harris’ idiotic and fact-free claims:
Others weighed in:
More dangerous talk from people obsessed with power and unable to handle defeat.
— William Wadsworth (@WWadsworthIII) May 6, 2019
Yelling something doesn't make it true
— Randy Hudson™️ (@noonefollowsme) May 6, 2019
One person recalled Hillary’s words from the 2016 election:
“A direct threat to democracy” - @HillaryClinton (2016)
— Doctor of Coding Thinkology (@bradcundiff) May 6, 2019
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