Video: Dem Sen. Hirono claims Democrats too smart to connect with voters’ hearts — ‘We…know so much’
While appearing at a conference in Washington, D.C., Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hi., that Democrats “know so much” and have a difficult time connecting with voters on an emotional level because, well, they’re just so darn book smart.
Hirono was asked by the moderator of the discussion how Democrats could improve voter turnout.
“I wish I had the answer to that because one of the things that we, Democrats, have a really hard time is connecting to people’s hearts instead of [their heads],” Hirono said, according to Fox News. “We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here [pointing to her head] but not here [pointing to her heart].”
“But,” she added, “we have a really hard time doing that and one of the reasons– it was told to me at one of our retreats– was that we Democrats know so much, that is true. And we have kind of have to tell everyone how smart we are and so we have a tendency to be very left brain.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The left side of the brain, Fox states, is frequently associated with analytical thought.
Translation: We’re just too smart for you dumb hayseed hick voters.
One person observed:
Reagan had a thing or two to say about how much Democrats know …
— Robert Craigen (@RCsEvilTwin) December 5, 2018
Indeed, he did.
In an article claiming that conservatives really don’t understand former President Ronald Reagan, Politico said that “In the Time for Choosing speech, Reagan chastised liberals by saying ‘the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s that so much they know isn’t so.'”
And we’ve certainly seen a lot of evidence to back up that thesis. Hint: Google Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York socialist who doesn’t even know what the three branches of government are.
Hirono, you might recall, is the Hawaii Democrat who told men to “shut up and step up” during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Here’s video of her statements:
- Dem. Senator to American men: ‘Just shut up…do the right thing for a change’ — gets hammered by James Woods
- Dem Hypocrisy? Big tax cuts for wealthy eyed, says newspaper
- New York Dem. Jerrold Nadler blames Trump for border mess, falsely cites Obama’s family separation policy
- The stupid marches on: Georgia Democrats demand FBI investigate Brian Kemp’s wardrobe
- Video: Democrat Socialist Ocasio-Cortez proves she has no idea what the three branches of government are
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