
Video of the Day: Tucker Carlson slugs it out with U.S. sympathizer of North Korean regime

As we’ve seen recently, the so-called “mainstream media” is twisting itself into pretzels to be propagandists for the brutal North Korean regime, even hailing the sister of Kim Jong Un as some kind of a hero.  On Monday, Tucker Carlson observed how the media loves regimes that hate America and debated Deirdre Griswold of the Workers World Party.

Here’s video of that encounter:

According to Fox News Insider:

Tucker Carlson debated the media’s romanticizing of North Korean official Kim Yo Jong with a member of a Communist political movement in America.

Carlson noted how several outlets fawned over Kim, with CNN saying she “st[ole] the show” at Pyeongchang.

He noted the New York Times, which said Kim “turned on the charm”, wrote an article called “For most, a better life,” after the Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia in 1975.

Within a few years, an internationally-recognized genocide took place under their rule.

Deirdre Griswold of the Workers World Party said she’s been to both North and South Korea and wanted to notify the American people that neither country wants war with the States.

The bottom line, according to Griswold, is that everything that’s wrong with North Korea is America’s fault…

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