
Video of the Day: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Democrats don’t care about nat’l security, and Starbucks cr*p

Today’s video by contributor Adam Taxin deals with a variety of issues, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Democrats who don’t seem to care about national security and Starbucks’ “cr*p” — literally.

Taxin, reading from this post, said in part:

“In an effort to stab President Trump in the back and play politics with their crappy coffee, Starbucks has been on a Muslim refugee hiring frenzy in recent months that has typically backfired. After 10,000 Muslims were given jobs as an act of resistance against Trump’s migrant ban, a watchdog program that performs consumer affairs on popular businesses discovered fecal material in numerous samples of Starbucks coffee. As the coffee giant defiantly moves to hire even more more refugees despite what was just found in their coffee, unfortunately, poop in coffee might be the least of our concerns after what was just discovered in California.

“On Tuesday, Starbucks held a hiring event exclusively for Muslim refugees in San Diego, with the coffee franchise proclaiming their intentions to hire more than 10,000 refugees at baristas across the United States over the course of the next 5 years. But unfortunately for the remaining Americans who aren’t scared to sip on possible crap-contaminated coffee, consuming Starbucks could now be fatal.”


Here’s the video, and be sure to let Adam know the Conservative Firing Line sent ya:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Adam’s channel, by the way, can be seen here.


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Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad – Source: Author (used with permission)

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