Video: CNN Propagandist Don Lemon Loses It, Shouts Down John Kasich Over Trump Coronavirus Speech

On Wednesday, CNN propagandist Don Lemon went ballistic during an interview with former Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich over President Trump’s coronavirus speech. At one point, the CNN hack was so angry, he refused to let Kasich speak.
“And I just got to say. If the President came out to calm people’s fears, he didn’t do a good job of it because they’ve had to come back and clarify it several times! And this has been going on long enough for them to get it straight! We need straight, accurate information from this President! And this administration! And we’re not getting it! And I don’t understand why you are tiptoeing around it! He came out, gave an address that usually — that happens very rarely, and he doesn’t get it right?” Lemon screamed.
He only got angrier from there.
Newsbusters posted a transcript of the segment:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
KASICH: I’m going to — first of all, he read it. And somebody that wrote this — look, I don’t want to get into that. He —
LEMON: Well, why not?! That’s why you’re here! To talk about the President’s address!
KASICH: Can I finish now?
LEMON: But, no, no, no, no, no! No, you can’t, John!
KASICH: Let me talk. Let me talk.
LEMON: John, because we’re here to talk about the President’s —
KASICH: I can’t talk?
Kasich — no great fan of President Trump — stood up for the president, but Lemon just didn’t want to hear it.
“I thought he did fine,” Kasich said. “What I saw tonight is what I anticipated before he delivered the address. Mr. President, you’ve got to be serious. You’ve got to warn the country. We have to move forward. And just stick to the script and read what’s on there. And that’s exactly what he did.”
Lemon got so angry he began to bash Kasich:
I’m telling you that we are in the middle of a pandemic right now! We’re the middle of a pandemic and every time this President comes out, he gives inaccurate information! So, I don’t understand why he would even come out and do it at all if he is going to confuse the American people even more! You don’t understand that? You’re a governor, I’m surprised you don’t understand that. If you’re not going to be accurate than why do it?
Here’s video, courtesy of Newsbusters:
This, by the way, is CNN, the fake news network that recently fantasized about how Democrats could use the pandemic to take over in November.
For more information on the Coronavirus outbreak, we suggest you go here and get this book:
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