
Video: AOC’s MAGGOT-INFESTED District EXPOSED — Rats, Maggots Fell From Ceiling Onto CHILDREN

Rats and feces and maggots? Oh my…

This is what you get in Democrat run slums.

Here is Gary from Next News Network with the latest:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Trump and his administration are playing some serious 3D Chess lately and reminding voters, in key districts, how bad they really have it.

Here’s more from 100% Fed Up:

HUD Administrator Lynne Patton is at it again and this time she’s going after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for neglecting her district.

Patton is fearless in her truthful comments about how politicians like Elijah Cummings and AOC are neglecting their districts but pandering to the illegals at the border.

Watch as Lynne Patton, Administrator of HUD’s Region II (NY & NJ), had to shut down a daycare in AOC’s district where dead rats & maggots fell from the ceiling on to children.

Why is Alexandria more concerned with the border than her own district?


Patton went after Cummings last night:

President Trump called attention to the blight in the West Baltimore district of Rep. Elijah Cummings over the weekend and was immediately called a “racist”. Who knew telling the truth is racist?

Read the rest…



Who knew that telling the truth was racist?

There has been a lot of truth being told by a lot of racist folks, regarding the collapse of American cities and states run by Democrats:

Bad leadership tends to produce bad results.

Vote your conscience in 2020, if you have one.

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

Cross-posted with DC Clothesline


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