Vermont Used to be Gun Friendly – Until Now

Vermont has caved to the flood of gun control actions sweeping the nation after the Parkland shooting in February. The bill that raised the age to purchase firearms to 21, bans bumpstocks as well as magazines over 10 rounds for long guns — 15 for hand guns, and strengthens background checks, passed both legislative bodies on Friday. According to MSN, Governor Phil Scott will sign it.
The bill’s age requirement exempts law enforcement or military personnel, as well as those who have taken a Hunter Safety Course. The bill also exempts persons who currently own over the limit magazines, although it punishes those who sell a banned magazine. Parts of the bill are said by opponents to be difficult to enforce.
The legislature is set to pass more gun control bills next week- in specific, an ERPO bill (Red Flag law) that would confiscate guns from people that were determined to be an extreme risk to themselves or others. The Governor has stated he will sign the new bills as well, once they are checked for errors.
Governor Phil Scott (R) once had a 93% approval rating from the NRA. Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) had the same. Both have dramatically switched sides.
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According to the VTDigger,
The historic legislation was the subject of intense debate over the past week in the Democratically controlled Legislature. The House held two marathon sessions and the Senate engaged in contentious committee hearings and spirited floor debate.
The passage Friday of the sweeping changes to the state’s gun laws comes on the heels of final approval earlier in the day of two separate bills that allow police to seize firearms in dangerous situations, one in the Senate, the other in the House.
The flurry of legislative action left gun control supporters embracing in the Statehouse lobby Friday afternoon as gun rights activists fumed and discussed their plans to challenge some of the provisions in court.
Vermont is a liberal state, but traditionally has been a stonghold for gun rights. Even Democrats in the state have been supporters of the 2nd amendment. Some of them even voted against S55, which was originally a bill to help with disposition of unlawful and abandoned firearms. Thanks to amendments, no longer. Now it’s a full-fledged gun control law.
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
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