
Verdict Expected Soon On Whether Posting Bible Verse Online Is A CRIME!

A verdict is expected in the next few weeks in a trial that will determine whether posting a Bible verse online is a crime.

A report from Decision Magazine explained that the fight developed in Finland, where a legislator, Paivi Rasanen, was accused of “agitation against a minority group” by stating her biblical beliefs.

In a trial, she was acquitted of the charges months ago, but prosecutors demanded that an appeals panel deliver to them a favorable decision in the case, insisting that she must be punished.

This week, the Helsinki Court of Appeal finished a two-day hearing on the case that was triggered by her online statement about the Bible, as well as her part in creating a brochure that talks about the Bible.

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The Decision report explained, “In 2019, Räsänen—a medical doctor and mother of five—posted a tweet in which she asked the leadership of her church why they would sponsor the Helsinki Pride parade, and she attached a photo with verses from Romans 1. Years earlier in 2004, she had written a pamphlet on marriage and sexuality titled ‘Male and Female He Created Them.”’And during a radio program, she also upheld the biblical view of marriage and sexuality.”

Police, not about the tolerate those beliefs, did an investigation that included interrogating her for 13 hours.

Then Finland’s government prosecutor accused her of three crimes. Bishop Juhana Pohjola also was charged.

Both were acquitted last March.

Prosecutors, during the recent appeals court hearing, tried to skate the thin line between religious rights and their desire for censorship.

They said “the authors of the Bible are not indicted,” but Rasanen was because of her adherence to biblical standards.

“You can cite the Bible, but it is Räsänen’s interpretation and opinion about the Bible verses that are criminal,” they claimed.

Paul Coleman, of ADF International, said the substance of the state’s claims was that prosecutors wanted her to deny her beliefs.

“Dragging an individual through a grueling criminal trial simply for expressing their religious beliefs is not a marker of democracy and ‘progress,’” he said.

In a press conference after the trial, Räsänen said: “It has been a long two days at the court of appeals. When I was voted into Parliament in 1995, I expected that I would face many challenges. But I never would imagine that I would face a criminal trial for posting a Bible verse and sharing my Christian convictions online.”

WND reported when 16 members of Congress released a letter calling on U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Rashad Hussain and U.S. Ambassador to Finland Douglas Hickey to oppose the “egregious and harassing” by Finnish authorities of a Christian member of their parliament.

The 16 House members said in the letter the Räsänen’s case “is dead set on weaponizing the power of Finland’s legal system to silence not just a member of parliament…but millions of Finnish Christians who dare to exercise their natural rights to freedom of expression and freedom of religion in the public square.”

It continued, “It is abundantly clear—the process is the punishment.”

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Today’s ruling elites champion policies every previous generation of Americans would have regarded as outright evil. At the top of that list would be the supremely radioactive issue – illuminated by the hit summer film “Sound of Freedom” – of the widespread trafficking and sexual slavery of children, as well as the shocking prevalence of pedophiles in the United States of America. Indeed, the U.S. is the largest market for child sexual abuse in the world.

According to Tim Ballard, who has led many missions rescuing sex-trafficked children around the world, the Biden administration actually ENABLES AND PROMOTES the trafficking and sexual slavery of children with its horrendous border policies, its push for early sexualization of children, championing children’s “right to consent” on everything including mutilating transgender surgeries, and so on.

“Pedophiles are sitting back right now,” says Ballard, “and going, ‘We’ve been pushing this agenda for decades, and now we don’t have to push any more, because the left is taking care of it for us’ – IN AMERICA!”

Ballard’s concerns are confirmed by Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services whistleblower who recently testified before Congress that under Joe Biden, “THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HAS BECOME THE MIDDLEMAN IN A LARGE-SCALE, MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR CHILD TRAFFICKING OPERATION.”

But that’s just the beginning. The whole, secret criminal mega-enterprise of child sex trafficking and the global elites’ affinity for pedophilia is exposed as never before in the August issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, in a groundbreaking issue titled “THE NEW AMERICAN SLAVE TRADE: How the Biden regime enables and promotes child sex trafficking in the U.S.A.” WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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