Venezuela Reaches Final Stage of Socialism: No Toilet Paper

“If only the right people had tried it.” Does anybody really think our Democrats are the “right people,” considering their “social justice” and political correctness requirements?
It seems that Venezuela has finally reached the final stage of socialism, in that it is now advising visitors to the country to bring their own toilet paper…
Here’s snippets from around the web:
CATO Institute  “In 1990 I went to a Cato Institute conference in what was then still the Soviet Union. We were told to bring our own toilet paper, which was in fact useful advice. Now, after only 16 years of Chavista rule, Venezuela has demonstrated that “Socialism of the 21st Century” is pretty much like socialism in the 20th century. Fusion reports:”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Venezuela’s product shortages have become so severe that some hotels in that country are asking guests to bring their own toilet paper and soap, a local tourism industry spokesman said on Wednesday….
Crime and Scams in Venezuela: What You Need To Know  “IMPORTANT: Venezuela is currently considered a “Do Not Travel” destination by several government travel advisories. For more information, check out our Venezuela travel alerts page.
“How dangerous is Venezuela for travelers? Find out about kidnappings, carjacking, hotel and airport safety.” . . .
Lawmaker Dares Bernie Sanders to Visit Socialist Venezuela With No Bodyguards
“A Venezuelan assemblyman, currently in exile from socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro’s regime, has issued a challenge to presidential candidate and democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — daring the senator to take a week strolling through the streets of Venezuela without bodyguards and report back what he sees.”
. . .
“Ballasy went on to tell Guerra that activist Jesse Jackson has actually come to the defense of Maduro, and added that both Jackson and Sanders appear reluctant to speak publicly about what is going on in the socialist country.”
Case in point, Elizabeth Warren versus Donald Trump:
H/T Tunnel Wall
- In crisis, exiled Venezuelan laments giving up guns: Fox News
- Socialist AOC Now Working To Keep New Jobs Out Of Her District
- Socialist AOC and the Plan to Destroy The Republic
- Democratic Socialists Conference: A Tale of Snowflakes
- Patriotic Marine vet vows to fight socialism in Congress, gets accused of threatening AOC with firepower
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