
VA counties declare 2A Sanctuary status as media uses gun control jargon

Three weeks after Democrats captured complete control of the Virginia General Assembly, several counties have declared themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” while the media has adopted the lexicon of gun prohibitionists by headlining stories about “gun reforms” the Democrats plan to push.

Several counties in Virginia have declared themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries.” (Dave Workman image)

According to WRC, the NBC affiliate in Washington, D.C., Campbell, Carroll, Charlotte and Patrick counties have passed sanctuary resolutions. Appomattox County is also on board with the sanctuary movement, and both Franklin and Pittsylvania counties are headed in that direction.

It may be too late to turn the tide in Richmond, after only a 40 percent voter turnout on Election Day, but with several counties essentially telling anti-gun Gov. Ralph Northam and the Democrats that their new gun control proposals might not be enforced, it sends a message liberals in northern Virginia don’t want to hear.

WSLS News reported on a Board of Supervisors meeting held Tuesday evening in Franklin County that drew a standing-room-only crowd.

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At the meeting, William Dyer with the Virginia Citizens Defense League presented the sanctuary resolution. Quoted by WSLS, Dyer expressed concerns about some of the proposals that are being considered already in the capitol, and the Democrats don’t take charge until January. He believes some of those ideas will be unconstitutional.

Proposals including a resurrection of the failed one-gun-per-month law, so-called “universal background checks,” and other restrictions are all on the table. Old Dominion gun owners don’t care for any of them.

One Democrat delegate, Ken Plum from Reston, told WRC, “The notion that you can have a locality void a state law by declaring yourself a sanctuary simply is not going to hold up in court.”

Yet, earlier this year, Northam vetoed legislation that would have banned “sanctuary city” policies, including one bill that, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch at the time, would have “banned Virginia cities from adopting policies designed to restrict enforcement of federal immigration laws.” So far, the newspaper said at the time, no Virginia city has declared itself a sanctuary.

Virginia is hardly the only state where the “Second Amendment sanctuary” has taken hold. Illinois has several counties, and the concept has also made headlines in Colorado, New Mexico and Washington.

The Washington Examiner quoted Troy Carter, who told the Lynchburg News and Advance, “This is the silent majority, and they’re waking up.”

Unfortunately for Carter and people like him, the wake-up comes three weeks too late to have made a difference. This “silent majority” appears to have skipped the election.


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