
USA Today: Santa Fe Shooter Used “Less-Lethal” Weapons

USA Today wrote that the Santa Fe Shooter used “less-lethal” weapons or the death toll would have been much higher. Less-lethal? Less Lethal weapons shoot things like rubber bullets or bean bag rounds. A taser is a “less-lethal” weapon. A shotgun and pistol are not less-lethal.

Christal Hayes at USA Today wrote,

“The guns may have slowed down the gunman’s deadly rampage because they have a slower firing rate than firearms used in other recent mass shootings, such as the AR-15. Abbott said it was unclear whether Pagourtzis’ father knew that the weapons were missing.

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High-powered rifles such as the AR-15 can be fired more than twice as fast as most handguns. The standard magazine for an AR-15 holds 30 rounds, allowing a shooter to continue firing uninterrupted for longer, making the weapon more lethal than other firearms, though clearly the use of any gun can be deadly, especially a shotgun at close range.”

Not true.

Blue Lives Matter took them to task:

“According to USA Today, “less lethal weapons” were also used in the “deadly attack at Virginia Tech” in 2003, when student Seung-Hui Cho murdered 32 people with two handguns.

In actuality, an AR-15 – a semiautomatic rifle – cannot be fired any more rapidly than the weapons Pagourtzis used, with regards to trigger pull.

Depending on the type of ammunition, a shotgun has the ability to send multiple projectiles downrange with each shot, as opposed to the single bullet fired by an AR-15.

It’s unclear why the publication would claim evidenced by the 10 individuals he ruthlessly killed.

Pagourtzis’ weapons also would not have been affected by any new gun control legislation, which has banned “assault weapons,” and “high capacity magazines” in some areas.”

Mental illness

Pagourtzis is likely mentally ill, as we stated previously. The “explosive devices” appear to have been without important ingredients…like a detonator and explosives. Breitbart reported,

According to one of Pagourtzis’s lawyers, the 17-year-old appears to be “disoriented,” and said his mood varied from “very emotional,” to “weirdly nonemotional.”

“There are aspects of it he understands and there are aspects he doesn’t understand,” the lawyer added.

Gov. Greg Abbott said Pagourtzis had planned to kill himself after the shooting, but that Pagourtzis admitted to police “that he didn’t have the courage to commit the suicide.”

Galveston County Judge Mark Henry said Saturday that authorities found a group of carbon dioxide canisters taped together, and a pressure cooker with an alarm clock and nails inside. But he says the canisters had no detonation device and the pressure cooker had no explosive material.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis killed 10 people and wounded 10 others with live ammunition from his father’s guns. Do you think USA Today’s reporters should all take a trip to the gun range?

H/T: Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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