Proving yet again that MSNBC is the official network of insane liberal rage, hate, and stupid lying liberal propaganda, Joe Scarborough made the insane and completely baseless claim that if elected, Donald Trump will imprison and execute anyone he wants.
“He is running to end American democracy as we know it,” Scarborough falsely claimed, adding that Trump, “will imprison, he will execute whoever he’s allowed to imprison, execute, uh uh uh drive from the country. Just look at his past. It’s not really hard to read.”
Morning Joe fear mongering reaches ALL-NEW insane heights:
"He is running to end American democracy as we know it…
"[Trump] will imprison, he will execute whoever he's allowed to imprison, execute, uh uh uh drive from the country. Just look at his past. It’s not really hard… pic.twitter.com/pmJXN7fVvi
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 21, 2023
Look at his past? To the best of my knowledge, Trump hasn’t murdered anyone.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“No doubt about it,” Al Sharpton agreed.
Writing at Breitbart, John Nolte observed:
Years and years ago, when I first began covering the corporate media, I warned people that if the media were ever put into a position where they had to choose between whoring out their credibility and losing elections, they would whore out their credibility without hesitation. And that’s what’s happened. That’s why the public no longer trusts the media. The media have exposed themselves not just as biased but as unhinged leftist charlatans and serial liars. But the media don’t care. No matter how many riots they have to incite to win an election, they will. What Scarborough is doing here is using what he knows are lies as a fear tactic to gin up the Democrat base to support His Fraudulency, Joe Biden.
The corporate media are now beyond the pale of basic decency and honesty. With New Media outlets like Breitbart News constantly challenging and exposing them… With Republican politicians like Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and others taking on and ridiculing the fake media without fear… With Trump looking better in the polls than he ever has (even better than when he won in 2016), the corporate media are so desperate and rattled that you have the anchor of a national news network lying to America about a former president preparing to murder people, to summarily execute and imprison them if reelected.
If you and I call a transwoman a man (and he is a man), question the results of the questionable 2020 election, or point out that Climate Change is a hoax (which it is), NBC News wants us blacklisted from social media and polite society. But here’s a network anchor making Pizzagate look like nothing as he lies about how a presidential candidate intends to murder people.
Social media had thoughts:
Do these “reporters” have any responsibility for what they say? Is this not hate speech?
— Richard Marshall (@RichWr4u) November 21, 2023
First off, these aren’t “reporters.” They’re paid propagandists with one mission: To spread hate and lies to inflame their unhinged low-information base.
He’s saying exactly what Democrats have been doing since 2015.
— Mrs Malindo (@MrsMalindo) November 21, 2023
It’s called “projection.”
This isn’t fear mongering. It’s incitement and stochastic terrorism.
This and the Goldman “elimination gaffe” were no accident.
They’re pushing for the assassination of Donald Trump.
— JD Sharp (@imjdsharp) November 21, 2023
It sure looks that way. Liberals have made it clear for years they want bloodshed.
What lengths would they go to stop him if they truly believe what they’re saying? What are they inciting in their listeners?
— Jeff Cunningham (@jeffrygc) November 21, 2023
Good question.
Keep in mind, though, that this IS MSNBC. As Twitchy stated, what else would one expect?
- Dem Rep. Dan Goldman Tries, But Fails, To Walk Back Call To ‘Eliminate’ Trump (Video)
- Joe Scarborough: Anyone Who Questions 2020 Election Should ‘Get The Hell Out’ Of The Country (Video)
- Video: MSNBC Propagandist Joe Scarborough: ‘Un-American’ To Vote For Trump
- MSNBC Propagandist Joe Scarborough Lies About Trump, Then Whines When His Lies Are Attacked
- Video of the Day: Joe Scarborough says Trump supporters ‘stupid,’ ‘should be kept from blenders’
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