Unhinged Blue-Check Leftist Calls For ‘Army Of Citizen Detectives’ To ‘Monitor’, ‘Report’ Conservatives (Video)

A chilling video calling for an ‘army of citizen detectives” to monitor and report conservatives to “authorities” is making the rounds on left wing social media. The video, produced by California author Don Winslow, calls Trump supporters domestic terrorists, comparing them to 9-11 terrorist Osama bin Laden.
From the video:
“The greatest threat facing America today comes from within. Radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists disguise behind regular jobs, they are your children’s teachers, they work in supermarkets malls, doctors offices, and many are police officers and soldiers.”
“We have to fight back. In this new word battlefield, as changes, computers can be more valuable than guns. And this is what we need now more than ever, an army of citizen detectives and proposing reforms to this army, our weapons will be computers and cell phones, we who are monitoring extremists on the internet and reporting their findings to authorities, remember before the Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden, he had to be found. He was found by a CIA analyst working on a computer 1000s of miles away. It’s up to you.”
On January 20th Donald Trump will no longer be The Commander in Chief.
He will lose control of the U.S. Armed Forces and take control of a NEW ARMY. pic.twitter.com/59MHHaIegP
— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) January 19, 2021
The video ends by calling on leftists to hunt down Trump supporters online and reminding them that “before the Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden, he had to be found. He was found by a CIA analyst working on a computer 1000s of miles away. It’s up to you.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The Left’s army of citizen monitors will be greatly assisted by the ever-growing corporate cancel culture. This week the Washington Post carried an op-ed by prominent Trump critic Max Boot, a Post columnist and CNN global affairs analyst that calls to shut down “the influencers who radicalize people and set them on the path toward violence and sedition.”
Last month, a Washington Post essay encouraged the media to shun Republicans who questioned the election results.
The essay itself admitted promoting “a radical approach” yet stood by it as “the only way to safely proceed with live interviews with Republicans who may be carrying a dangerous conspiracy theory that spreads on air.”
Also last month, the Washington Post published an essay comparing denying election results to denying the Holocaust and using that as a pretext to silence opposing voices.
“We would not allow a Holocaust denier to speak on evening news programs or have free rein on social media,” the essay’s authors write unequivocally. “Old and new media alike should no longer give a platform to these dissimulations, starting with Trump’s.”
For the first three years of Donald Trump’s presidency the mainstream media reported on little else but the fake Russian collusion story which attempted to delegitimize the 2016 election results. To this day, Hillary Clinton calls Trump’s presidency illegitimate. The false narrative pushed by the media and Democrat leaders radicalized their followers to burn down cities, take over an entire police precinct in Seattle, and attack Trump supporters at rallies.
So for these people now to eliminate all news platforms that report on issues of voter fraud and election integrity is the height of hypocrisy.
I, for one, am off Facebook (mostly). I’m off Twitter. I’ve been off both for several weeks and don’t miss them, at all. I’ve dumped Fox News and now go to trusted news sites such as:
- American Greatness
- Bongino Report
- The Federalist
- National Pulse
- Just the News
- One America News
- Post Millennial
(Ed. We would also like to add this site, as well as a number of conservative blogs, including the Daily Torch to that list.)
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Catherine Mortensen is Vice President of Communications at Americans for Limited Government.
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