
UC Santa Cruz – ‘Protesters’ Wreck College Republican Table, Spit on Flag

If you’re a Conservative, or even just a Republican, you are a target. A group of College Republicans at UC Santa Cruz set up an information table at the college-sanctioned area known as Quarry Plaza in support of free speech. Two “protesters” (let’s call them that for now, there’s another word that fits), grabbed one of the flags at the table, and the struggle began. The so-called protesters tore up a sign, shoved a College Republican member to the ground, and spit on a Betsy Ross flag.

UC santa cruz
Screenshot via The Post Millennial

Ignorant Activists

So let’s first explain to the ignorant activists: a “Betsy Ross” flag has nothing whatsoever to do with “white supremacy.” Nothing. Nada. Zip. It was created in 1776 by Betsy Ross, a Colonial upholsterer, for the American Revolution as a banner for the 13 colonies. For information, Betsy Ross was struggling to make ends meet at the time. She lost two husbands to the American Revolution, and her house was commandeered by the British as quarters for their soldiers.  She had no thought of “white supremacy.” She just wanted to stand with the colonists against the oppression by Great Britain, of which she had been a victim.

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The main antagonist in the altercation at UC Santa Cruz was Martina/Artemis Martin, a self described “queer activist.”

The Post Millennial reported,

“This is a flag of white supremacy,” Martin says in the video, which has since gone viral after being uploaded this week. As the two tussle over the flag, chairs and items are knocked over before Martin shoves Williams to the ground. Martin then tears down the booth’s banner and spits on the Betsy Ross flag before fleeing from the scene with the accomplice, who had torn up a sign.

The video does not show what happened before the vandalism began but Dylan Temple, president of College Republicans at UCSC, says the incident started when Martin tried to steal a flag. He says the incident was immediately reported to campus police…

…On Wednesday, Martin took to social media to claim credit for the vandalism. Responding to Williams on Twitter, Martin wrote: “I had three dudes on me at once and nobody could stop me lol.” 

Martin’s social media history shows a long commitment to radical left-wing views, including attending anti-Trump protests. It is unclear if Martin is currently an active student at UCSC.

Dylan Temple stated that the University has not been supportive (which is normal for a liberal college) after the attack. At this point it is unclear whether the perpetrators of the violence will ever be charged, even with a social media confession.

The left gets away with much involving colleges, so with little to no consequences for their actions, the violence continues unabated.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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