
Twitter Fascists CENSOR Florida Surgeon General For Warning Young Men Not To Take Covid “Vaccines” Because Of Documented Health Risks

(Natural News) The social media gods now think they hold more authority than actual public health authorities like Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, who was suspended from Twitter for advising young men in the Sunshine State to avoid getting “vaccinated” for SARS-CoV-2.

Ladapo tweeted a link to a new guidance from the Florida Health Department warning that men between the ages of 18 and 39 have a high risk of developing heart problems should they opt to get injected for the Fauci Flu.

“Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of,” Ladapo wrote in the tweet that ultimately got him axed from the social media platform.

“This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth.” (Related: Gov. DeSantis has also spoken out against children getting jabbed for covid.)

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Is there anything Twitter won’t censor?

Not even 24 hours after Ladapo tweeted this, Twitter removed the tweet and suspended him from the platform, along with a message explaining that “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules.”

A “Learn more” link was also provided with this message, though it remains unclear precisely which part of Ladapo’s message “may contain disputed or misleading information.”

To be fair, anything tweeted can be “disputed” by someone out there. If Twitter was really unbiased in the application of this particular standard, there would be no tweets on the platform at all.

But as we all know, Twitter only selectively applies its rules against accounts that tweet politically incorrect messaging. In this case, Ladapo cast serious doubt on the safety and effectiveness of covid shots, and that is a major no-no on Twitter no matter how substantiated it is.

“Twitter censored @FLSurgeonGen for sharing FL Dept of Health study, part of which @LisaMarieBoothe highlighted below,” tweeted Christina Pushaw, the Rapid Response Director under Gov. DeSantis. “So, Twitter hall monitors know more than a Harvard MD / PhD?”

“Also, Dr. Ladapo is a STATE HEALTH OFFICIAL – an ‘authoritative source’ by Twitter’s own definition,” she added.

Boothe’s tweet, which you can read below, contains further details about how men 18-39 in age who get jabbed for Chinese Germs have an 84 percent increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems within the following month-or-so after injection.

At the time when Ladapo’s tweet was removed and his account censored, some 50,000 users had “liked” the tweet. Still to this day, Twitter has not given a clear indication as to why the tweet was removed.

“Seems the truth can’t be handled,” wrote another user about Twitter’s arbitrary censorship standards.

“You can delete tweets, you can burn books, but you will never be able to eliminate the truth!” wrote another.

Israel physician Dr. Dror Mevorach tweeted a message of his own (see below) warning that the 18-39 male demographic is actually not large enough because myocarditis risk begins much younger at age 14:

“Would you consider Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo more educated and trustworthy than some remote worker, who may have a college degree, but just flags social media posts for a living?” asked someone else in a tweet, along with a list of the qualifications required in order to become a surgeon general.

Ladapo specifically called out messenger RNA (mRNA) injections as being the big offender. These include the double-dose shots offered by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

To learn more about why covid injections are not worth the risk, visit ChemicalViolence.com.

UPDATE: Zero Hedge reports that “…Twitter appears to have pulled a PayPal, and promptly re-instated the post in question after blowback on the social media site about the censoring. As of about noon on the East Coast Sunday, the Tweet was once again showing up under Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo’s feed.” ~Editor…

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