Twitter explodes with calls to fire Shepard Smith after claim Trump ‘trades in racism’
After Democrat Hillary Clinton’s speech claiming that Donald Trump’s support is part of a global racist “alt-right” conspiracy, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith claimed that the GOP candidate “trades in racism.” His comment sparked a huge backlash, with many on Twitter demanding he be fired.
“The problem with any attempt to rebut her is that in this case she used Donald Trump’s own words, was historically accurate on his policies, on all reviewed points,” he said during a segment with Wall Street Journal reporter James Grimaldi.
Grimaldi told Smith he believed Trump would respond by “trading in hyperbole.”
“He trades in racism, doesn’t he?” Smith asked.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Here’s video of the segment, courtesy of Mediaite:
Naturally, his statement, disguised as a question, didn’t sit too well with many.
@FoxNews Thought Shep was straight news. He says Trump trades in racism? Replace him w/one who can maintain objectivity.
— wvsusan (@wvsusant) August 26, 2016
#ShepSmith just said it's documented #Trump "trades in racism" Goodbye Shep, nice knowing u. You're off my TV 4good. @FoxNews @ShepNewsTeam
— PhoebeBeach (@PhoebeBeach) August 25, 2016
BizPac Review added:
This is the latest in a long line of idiotic statements by the anchor that have caused Fox News fans to call for his ousting.
On Wednesday Smith bent over backwards to defend the fact that half the people Clinton met with at the State Department were donors to the Clinton Foundation and he went after the reporter who broke the story.
And back in July, after a black man ambushed Baton Rouge police officers, killing 3, Smith attacked former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for saying “all lives matter.”
And let’s not forget that he castigated Christians as “haters” during the controversy over Kim Davis.
What do you think? Should Fox News fire Shepard Smith for this incident and his blatant bias?
- Shepard Smith slams Bobby Jindal for saying all lives matter, gets clock cleaned
- Tinfoil Hillary floats vast global alt-right conspiracy against her campaign
- ‘Handcuffs for Hillary’ to remind Clinton of her ‘crimes of treachery’
- Breitbart: Hillary called 31 million readers ‘racist’ klansmen
- Video: New Trump ad hammers Hillary’s racism
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