Turnabout fair play in Seattle over statue of Lenin?
While far left activists have been attacking statues of Confederate figures including Gen. Robert E. Lee in Virginia, some conservatives in Seattle want to be rid of a statue of Vladimir Lenin, which has been standing in the city’s Fremont neighborhood for more than 20 years.
The idea has gathered momentum, thanks in part to discussions on the city’s conservative talk radio station, KVI. It could be more than just a flash-in-the-pan swipe at Seattle’s liberal establishment.
As GeekWire.com noted, Seattle is the “self-proclaimed ‘Center of the Universe’.” The liberal mindset is part of the social fabric, so with it must presumably come some liberal hypocrisy.
Knocking over the Lenin statue a second time – it was first toppled when it stood in Czechoslovakia during that country’s 1989 revolt against the Communist regime and subsequently sent to a scrap yard – seems to appeal to many people responding to stories about the controversy.
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The Lenin statute has been vandalized in the past. Years ago, someone painted the hands red, apparently to signify all the blood Lenin had on his hands as a result of the Russian revolution.
The statute came to America after it was acquired and saved from the scrap heap by an American named Lewis Carpenter, who grew up in Issaquah, about 12 miles east of Seattle. He was teaching in Slovakia and found the sculpture in the scrap yard, according to a published report.
GeekWire described the Fremont neighborhood as “eccentric.” The Lenin statute annually draws tourists to the area, but some people are now calling it an “affront.”
KIRO TV news published a Q&A on the statute that explains it is one of two monuments now under fire. There is also a Confederate monument at Seattle’s Lake View Cemetery, placed there in 1926 in memory of the United Confederate Veterans. In the post-Civil War era, many ex-Confederates migrated to the Pacific Northwest to begin new lives.
On Wednesday, the cemetery reportedly received some angry calls seeking removal of the monument. Subsequently, the cemetery closed its gates for the day.
The present controversy notes that the statue is up for sale. The asking price is reportedly $250,000, which would put it in the hands of the very type of people against whom Lenin led the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Maybe capitalism isn’t so bad after all.
For now, the controversial bronze sculpture sits on private property, another small irony. Suhc a luxury would have been frowned upon in Lenin’s Russia.
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