Tucker Carlson Blasts Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Milley As An ‘Extremist With Crackpot Views’ (Video)

Carlson didn’t just blast Milley, he also called on President Biden to fire him for his incendiary rhetoric.
Joe Biden ran on a campaign to bring “unity” to the nation, but since the election, precisely the opposite has been pushed.
It’s become quite apparent that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff thinks that the 73 million people that voted for Donald Trump in 2020 are not just “deplorable” — they’re all-out Nazis. It goes without saying that that particular view is absolutely insane.
On his Fox News show on Thursday, Carlson called Milley a ‘legitimate extremist’ after he was quoted as comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler and his supporters as ‘brownshirts.’
Milley, Carlson said, ‘compared half our country to Adolf Hitler.’
‘Think about that,’ Carlson said on Fox News.
‘Your grandfather joined the US military to risk his life fighting the Nazis.
‘Now the head of the US military calls you a Nazi for having your grandfather’s political views.
‘What do you think of that?’
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Milley’s reported comments were excerpted by CNN which previewed next week’s release of the book I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year. The book was written by Washington Post reporters Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig.
According to excerpts, Milley was so concerned that Trump or his allies might try to use the military to remain in power that he and other top officials strategized about how they might block him – even hatching a plan to resign, one by one.
Milley also reportedly compared Trump’s rhetoric to Adolf Hitler’s during his rise to power.
‘This is a Reichstag moment,’ Milley reportedly told aides. ‘The gospel of the Führer.’
Source: Daily Mail
The left has been pushing the comparison to Hitler since the moment Donald J. Trump — a former Democrat, mind you — went down that golden escalator in 2015, and announced that he was running for President as a Republican. The comparisons just ramped up over the years.
It would appear that Trump Derangement Syndrome™ made all of the leftists lose whatever was left of their minds.
General Milley seems to have been particularly touched by the mass hysteria that was unleashed after Trump won in 2016.
It’s also pretty rich that Milley, who was apparently a key figure in the militarization of the Capitol after the Biden win and openly discussed overtly flouting the orders of the Commander-In-Chief — if they were against what he determined to be right — is calling Trump supporters “brownshirts.”
Tucker unloaded on Milley’s crazed ramblings and questioned if someone, who clearly despises half of the country and is willing to vilify them as Nazis — think of it, Nazis! –simply for having different political views, should be in a position of such power.
Watch Tucker blast Milley and the Partisan Presstitutes that think that the “woke” General is a “true patriot” and one of the most erudite intellects of our time.
Instead of spending even more time in his own ideological bubble by immersing himself in books by racial grifters like Kendi and DiAngelo, General Milley would be much better off reading Darryl Cooper’s epic thread on Twitter that explains the reason why Trump supporters had some questions about the 2020 election.
MUST-READ: Epic Twitter Thread Gives Perfect Primer On Why MAGA Doubts 2020 Election Results
If he’s not a Twitter guy, there’s always Cooper’s extended article on the same subject on Glenn Greenwald’s Substack Freelance section.
Or maybe just — I don’t know — talk to people that are Trump supporters instead of calling them Nazis. It’s a bit of a radical suggestion, but I think it just might work…
Cross-posted with Clash Daily
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