
Topless Drag Queens and Trans Activists “We’re Here, We’re Queer and We’re Coming After Your Children” at Annual NYC Pride March (VIDEO)

+ Topless Women Dance and Play with Children at Pride Event Water Party in New York City (VIDEO)

IN today’s American/western Orwellian universe, up is down, evil is virtuous, wrong is right, genders are plentiful, and Satan is god. Yes, this is just the tip of the poisonous spear.

BUT it is not as if this is “news” — its tentacles have been spreading for decades, albeit, under the radar. Not only that, once it became obvious that the Transgender/Gay Mafia was no longer in the shadows, few and far between within so-called conservative leadership dared to oppose their naked (literally!) aggression towards the kiddies! Yup, you read that right.

IN their cowed eyes, it was easier to bend over backwards to their will, as opposed to being tarred with this and that non-PC label. Cowards, the whole damnable bunch.


and countless, vomit-inducing others as proof of the same.

ATOP all that, the NY Post had this to say:

RESULTANT, the question is not: How did this happen? Rather, it should be inverted: How could it not!?

WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah….may they all burn in hell-fire!

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GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Cullen Linebarger | June 24, 2023

The next time some liberal tells you radical-left LGBTQ individuals want nothing to do with your children, just share this story with them.

The Daily Mail reported that drag queens and trans activists marched through the East Villages Tomkins Square Park during the annual New York City Drag March on Friday with hundreds in attendance.

Timcast shared a particularly vile incident where several marchers can be heard chanting: “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” for several seconds. One topless female is dancing while making the chant while others laugh and join in.



Timcast News CEO Tim Pool hit the nail on the head with this pithy comment regarding the video:

We are like “they are groomers.” They are like ‘We are coming for your children.’ So we all agree they are groomers.



Topless Women Dance and Play with Children at Pride Event Water Party in New York City (VIDEO)

Topless trans activists and drag queens marched in New York City’s annual pride parade on Saturday.

“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children!” the trans activists chanted.



Later in the evening, topless women danced and played with children at a pride water party in Washington Square Park.

Topless lesbians kissed each other and frolicked in the water as children splashed around nearby.

God help us.

WATCH (content warning: you may need eye bleach):

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(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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