
This is CNN: Brian Stelter misinforms audience about Melania Trump ‘disappearing’

On Monday, Breitbart reported that rabid Trump-hating CNN propagandist Brian Stelter misled his “Reliable Sources” audience by repeating the false claim that First Lady Melania Trump has disappeared.

According to John Nolte:

Following a surgical procedure on May 14, less than three weeks ago, the first lady has, understandably, not made any public appearances (she is scheduled to host some Gold Star families at the White House Monday night).

But this is not what the far-left Stelter told his audience.

Instead, the anti-Trump activist repeatedly and deliberately misinformed his audience with the false claim she has been “invisible.”

Stelter also allowed one of his guests to repeat the false claim the first lady has “disappeared.”

This is simply not true.

As recently as Wednesday, Eamon Javers, a Washington correspondent for CNBC, reported seeing “the First Lady walking with her aides in the West Wing yesterday afternoon.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

But that apparently meant nothing to Stelter.

“The last time we caught a glimpse of her was on May 10th, 24 days, more than three weeks [ago]. There have been a lot of questions about her surgery, her time at Walter Reed, and now her invisibility,” he claimed.

He wasn’t finished and asked a guest: “How long does she have to be out of sight to make this a legitimate media story?”

He tripled-down, and asked far-left columnist Lynn Sweet: “Lynne you’re covering the White House every day. Is this a big story? Is it getting bigger the more days that she’s out of sight?”

Sweet, Nolte said, repeatedly used the word “disappear” and no one corrected her.

Stelter, the Washington Free Beacon said, tried to present a “coherent” defense for his obsession in a post titled, “Melania M.I.A.

“Lemme fend off some of the criticism I’ve already seen on social media: No, this is probably not the most ‘important’ story involving the Trumps right now,” he wrote. “But it’s a ‘talker’ in a way that policy debates and ethics scandals and abuse of power allegations are typically not. People are genuinely curious about this and concerned about her..”

Right…  We’re supposed to believe that Stelter is now concerned about Melania Trump’s well being?

He added:

At the same time, as I said on Sunday’s “Reliable Sources,” I think there’s a risk of some liberals falling into a conspiracy theory trap here by assuming the worst about what’s going on. We need less speculating, more reporting…

Wow.  Where to start…

As we reported here, leftists, including David Frum, have already spread a number of conspiracy theories, including one in which the president allegedly killed Melania.

And it’s rather laughable to see anyone from CNN, let alone Stelter, call for more reporting and less speculating.

By the way, Melania appeared at a Monday reception for Gold Star families:


Will that satisfy Stelter?  Somehow we doubt it…

By the way, incidents like this are part of the reason CNN was once dubbed the least-trusted name in network news.


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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