
The Railroad in Biden’s Mind: From “The Pacific All The Way Across the Indian Ocean.”

And Democrats say he's fine...wow

In remarks to the League of Conservation Voters on Thursday, Biden claimed to have plans to “build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean.” (Breitbart) That would be some feat. And the White House staff says he’s fine, just fine. Not really – his mental acumen is rapidly failing, and his number two’s word salads are horrifying.


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In his remarks to the League of Conservation Voters, he spouted the leftist talking point that the only “existential threat” to America is climate change. He also claimed that climate change is all the fault of America. He’s so convinced of that he wants to “build a railroad from the Pacific across the Indian Ocean.”  There are a handful of trains that travel across small bodies of water on bridges that are often dangerous as the Pamban bridge in India. Not whole oceans.

The railroad in Biden’s mind

In 1988, Mr. Bee-in-his-bonnet had a brain bleed or brain aneurysm. As doctors repaired the damage, they found a second one that had not bled. They repaired both.

Screenshot from archived Doctor’s report in 2019

As anyone who has experienced a brain hemorrhage will tell you, sometimes the damage is temporary, but it eventually catches up to you. Thinking and grabbing words becomes more difficult with age and stress. The brain has a dead spot in it that the synapses must work around in order to restore thinking ability. The same problem applies to Senator Fetterman. I know these things from personal experience with a brain bleed.

Biden’s falling, his cognitive lapses, his inability to make sense when he speaks are all difficulties that a president should not have. The “leader of the free world” needs to make sense and make sound decisions, not depend entirely upon his “handlers” to help him. He shouldn’t need “cheat sheets” or press cards to tell him what to do. It can be a combination of age-related dementia and damage from the brain incident. In fact, “Dr Jill” admonished people for making fun of Joe a while back.

He says if America doesn’t initiate steps to stop climate change we’re all in trouble. We submit that a man with a damaged brain has already taken America on a journey to destruction. The railroad comment is just one symptom of the problem.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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