
The Multi-Headed Hydra of Jihadi/Anti-Semitic Chaos in America & Beyond: The Funders & More!

BY now, the following is hardly lost on many clear-eyed folks: the anti-Semitic, jihadi-laced, unremitting, chaos sweeping across America (and beyond) is hardly borne out of  spontaneous combustion. Emotional contagion.

YES, while there is an element thereof, the aforementioned wouldn’t amount to more than annoyances/localized disturbances that a robust police response couldn’t quell, that is, if let off of their leashes!

BE that as it may, an urgent examination of the referenced “multi-headed hydra” must be analyzed — without which the foundational tier will be absent and open to even more distortions/fabrications/bastardizations.





INDEED, it is the absolute, symbiotic nexus between the foot-soldiers/boots on the ground inside America, in league with Israel’s radical leftists and Arabist-front-arms, which ensure the on-going support for HAMAS in America; Islam’s barbarians (among countless others, Sunni and Shia).

MOST significantly, as asserted, it is the outright funders/money launderers who lend all of the material support to HAMAS’ Nazi-like, storm-troopers upending America.

INCONTESTABLY, the nail in the onslaught across America mandates:  disrupting/dismantling/arresting each and every group which aids/abets in terrorizing Jews and their supporters.

BUT that would require an American regime which isn’t cheering them on!

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BRIAN O’SHEA | November 10, 2023

I first broke this story with Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit when I outlined the use of Actionnetwork.org. Well, I found another one. Not going to write too much about it as I just found it today while waiting to appear on “Ask Dr. Drew” to discuss “Violent Protests On-Demand”. But this one appears to have been used to plan the latest violent in the name of “Gaza”, “Palestine”, “Cease Fire”, etc etc that occured in our nation’s capital on the 4th of November.

I will go into more detail in a later report as I have done extensive work on several platforms like this, but here’s the basic idea. Entities of numerous kinds and for numerous reasons are able to organize protests, have their signage waiting at the local print shop for the protestors,

and even provide them rides, petitions, language for social media,

and even DoorDash them some food all from a single app or website from anywhere in the world. Under this model, the organizer can be anywhere, and I mean anywhere…in the world. With a $10-$100 subscription anyone can start a mostly peaceful riot…I mean “protest” almost on-demand. Think of the dangers of this. I will have more on this soon. In the meantime please watch, comment, and tell your friends and family…this is why protests are so quick to spring up…there’s an app for that!

Despite my distaste for these activities, there is a lot conservatives can learn from the use of these types of CRMs (“Customer Relationship Management” software platforms) to gain a foothold in the battle for the public eye. However, conservatives should build their own and market on sites such as Public Square to get their fellow voters to “flood the zone” or, at a minimum, get out the vote. The full episode and more of our discussions on Unrestricted Invasion (a DailyClout Production) with JJ Carrell and myself can be found at https://dailyclout.io/category/dailyclout/opinion/unrestricted-invasion/

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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