ONCE a liar, always one. Once a cheater, always one. Once Janus-faced, always so. Yes, past is prologue.
IT is the aforementioned descriptors which are as apt as it gets, that is, when it comes to so-called conservative, America First, Nikki! In a pig’s eye. A rat’s behind, too.
- Democrat Mega-Donor, Who Visited Epstein Island, Says He Is Funding Nikki Haley to Stop Donald Trump
INTERESTINGLY, even said monster is no longer her cash-cow. Pray tell, who is this in reference to? Namely, none other than Reid Hoffman.
YES, Nikki’s skeletons are a-comin’ out of her closet!
Watch: Nikki cheated big time and still couldn’t pull out the win in New Hampshire…
The word out there is that Nikki Haley and her NeverTrump backers had a scheme cooking for New Hampshire. They planned to game the “semi-closed primary” system, rallying Democrats to switch to “independent” just long enough to vote for Nikki and throw a wrench in Trump’s plans.
Lucky for us, their little plot tanked. But make no mistake, the plan was as clear as day. In New Hampshire, about 70 percent of Nikki’s votes were from “non-Republicans.” Talk about telling. If that doesn’t shout loud and clear about her so-called popularity with conservatives, we’re not sure what will. Spoiler alert: She’s got zero. This ought to be the headline story out of New Hampshire, and Nikki Haley should be red-faced and ready to hide her globalist head in shame.
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ATOP all of that, along comes more of the same cheatin’ ways!
Nikki Haley’s “Joan” Remains a Mystery
NOW, if all of the above is not eye-opening/jaw-dropping enough, well, just carry on as if there is nothing to see here, as such, move right along. But don’t dare to complain when reality smacks so hard that it will leave a feeling of senselessness and breathlessness never experienced quite like it.
AS is said in New Hampshire: LIVE FREE OR DIE!
(Cross-erferenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)