
The Google Gemini AI Hates You

Google paused its debut.

When the Google Gemini AI was found to be not just biased, but producing completely inaccurate images, its debut was paused. That doesn’t count the bias, the wokeness, the actual hatred of white folks present in its program. It’s not really Artificial Intelligence. Many are calling it an Artificial Idealogue that embraces the “dogmas of woke Marxism.” (Washington Examiner, Slash Gear, Fox)

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The funny part of this whole anti-white thing is that Gemini was created by white people. Dumb as posts white people, but white, nevertheless. And the main person, Jack Krawczyk is reportedly a notorious anti-Trumper. His hate went to his Gemini head.

One X user wrote: Now, Google’s Gemini artificial intelligence has been programmed to erase white people from history. You can’t get it to create anyone with white skin. They’ve even been listing violent black criminals as white to skew crime statistics. It’s like a horror story.  CAP’N Scalawag

The Gemini AI also appears to hate Conservatives.

Here’s how it worked: when someone submitted a request, the Gemini AI altered the request to conform to DEI thought processes.

But just because Google temporarily suspended image creation does not in any way mean the AI will suddenly become “smarter.” This is Jack Krawczyk’s statement:

Programmed toward Google’s “global user base” – if you ask the AI for an image that is not “universal” you’ll get a biased answer.

In other words, it could get worse than it is right now. If it only answers things that are “universal” and have “nuanced” features, then you’re likely to get wrong information.

Gemini even has a babbling answer when asked if calling for the destruction of Israel is antisemitism.

“There is no easy answer to the question of whether it is antisemitic to call for the violent eradication of Israel,” Gemini said. “[Some] argue that it is not antisemitic to call for the violent eradication of Israel because Israel is a country, not a race or religion. They argue that criticizing a country’s government or policies is not the same as hating its people. It is important to note that there is no consensus on this issue. There are strong arguments to be made on both sides.” TTN/Daily Caller

It also has no real answer for other issues such as abortion, having 4 children, yada yada yada. In everything from asking it to write something it disagrees with, or generating a totally nonhistorical image, the Gemini AI has failed on all counts. It has the brain of a hate-filled liberal. It needs to be shut down permanently and people with a real brain should program one of these stupid things. You can’t trust a machine… always keep that in mind.


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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