
The Fifth for Hillary’s IT Man Pagliano? The Mystery May Be Solved

136k manBryan Pagliano, Hillary’s IT man who handled her private email server, had his attorney notify all congressional committees that he would take the Fifth on any and all questions.

At first, I believed that he might just be protecting himself in case he had done something wrong without being aware of it and that Congress would offer him immunity to provide his testimony.  New facts have been revealed to prove that I was wrong.  We now know more about Pagliano and his arrangement with Hillary.

Pagliano worked at Community IT Innovators, a small company that worked for non profits.  Pagliano’s job title was senior systems engineer.

A good job, but it would soon lead to bigger and better things.  Hillary hired him to handle her IT work for her failed 2008 campaign for president.  After she became Secretary of State, she hired him to work for her at the maximum salary paid to non elected government employees.  He made 140k in 2009 and had his pay reduced to 136K for 2010 and 2011.

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