
Testifying Before Congress for Dummies

Congress was useless. The Administration laughed the whole time.

Hopefully you had something better to do today than watch Attorney General Loretta Lynch testify before Congress. Maybe you had much more enjoyable activities to partake in.

Sadly, I watched it. And to think I could have had that barbed wire colonoscopy I’ve heard so much about. Or maybe a belt sander haircut? To simplify matters, I could have just had a half dozen Samoan bruddahs just stomp that crap out of me.

Any of the above would have been preferable to watching the Obama Administration’s version of Tony Accardo evade question after question from the House Judiciary Committee.

Well… to say that Lynch simply *evaded* questions is kind of like saying Jeffrey Dahmer just *enjoys* a good steak.  According to Roll Call, Obama’s stooge managed to dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge out of answering a full 74 questions.

Predictably, the Establishment GOP duds pretty much let loose more CO2 that Al Gore’s house. Yeah, it was pathetic. So sad to watch Lady Justice get gang-raped on Capitol Hill yet again. Good job, Congress.

But to save your sanity, here’s pretty much how things went down today:

REP. WORTHLESSTURD: Is your name Loretta Lynch?

LYNCH: Thank you, Congressman, for the question. Let me be clear that my decision was to accept the recommendation of the team of agents and investigators who worked on this.

WORTHLESSTURD: Wha—? Ummm, You ARE the head honcho at the DoJ, right?

LYNCH: You have to refer to the specific facts of the other matters that you’re referring to.

WORTHLESSTURD: I’m not sure what that meant, but would you agree with Director Comey that Hillary Clinton lied to Congress during the Benghazi Hearings?

LYNCH: Again, I tell you, I can tell you and this entire committee and the American people, that all of the relevant facts were considered, investigated thoroughly, and reviewed by the entire team.

WORTHLESSTURD: OK, I get it now. No direct answers. Alright then. Is grass green and is the sky blue?

LYNCH: Congressman, every case stands on its own separate facts and application of those facts to the law. So you have to refer to the specific facts of the other matters that you’re referring to.


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