Teen tyrant David Hogg falsely claims NRA ‘scared’ of support he’s gotten
While appearing on Friday’s edition of CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” David Hogg, the foul-mouthed teen demagogue once dubbed the “king of the snowflakes,” falsely claimed the National Rifle Association (NRA) is “scared” of the support his anti-gun movement has received.
“I think the people in this situation that are really scared would be the NRA,” Hogg told Cooper. “This is the first time they had the president and vice president at the same time come out to the annual convention for the NRA.”
As Dave Workman reported earlier today from the convention, both President Trump and Vice President Pence addressed the gathering in Dallas, Texas, assuring convention-goers the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is safe with them in the White House.
Hogg believes this is because the organization is scared of him and his manufactured movement of anti-gun leftists.
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“What we are seeing here is they are worried because of the support we’ve been getting and the support we’ll have in mid-terms. Like it or not, we don’t care if you are a Democrat or a Republican, if you are supported by the NRA, you don’t stand with kids, you stand with the gun manufacturers and people making money off this fear and tragedy that’s perpetrating itself,” he added.
Fellow demagogue Cameron Kasky also appeared on the program, Breitbart said, adding:
Kasky said, “Well, you know, he was saying some things that implied that he was stepping forward into the right direction for gun safety in this country, and then he had a meeting with some NRA officials, a private meeting, and afterwards he came and claimed that the Second Amendment was under siege and he was going to defend it. So as to whether or not the NRA meeting changed his views, that’s kind of up to speculation, but I will tell you that is hopefully the first Russian-funded group he has met with.”
When asked if Trump was scared of the NRA, Kasky said, “I think he is very interested in the money that the NRA will bring him and that the NRA in turn gets from gun manufacturers. You know, the NRA used to boast itself as being an average joe coalition of Americans who are trying to protect their Second Amendment rights, and now you will see that they are getting a lot of kickbacks from gun manufacturers. So I don’t necessarily think Trump is scared of the NRA, I think Trump is very enamored with the financial support that the NRA gives him.”
It’s highly doubtful that the organization is afraid of Hogg. If anything, he’s become the organization’s best salesperson. According to reports, the NRA broke a fundraising record since the Parkland shooting and interest in gun rights groups like the NRA have spiked considerably.
Exit question: Could it be that Hogg is just mad that the vice president didn’t obey his edict to cancel his speech to the NRA?
- Teen tyrant David Hogg demands Vice President Mike Pence cancel speech to NRA
- Trump, Pence to NRA: Second Amendment safe with us
- Clueless: Title of David Hogg’s new book raises eyebrows
- Washington Times op-ed: ‘David Hogg would’ve made a good brownshirt’
- Open letter to David Hogg: Grow up or shut up
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