
Taxpayers Fund Two Sex Change Operations…For the Same Person

Brad (last name withheld) had his first sex change operation when he was only fifteen and became the poster boy (or girl) for sex change operations, which by the way, are paid for by the taxpayers of the UK.  They paid for Brad to transition to a woman then paid for him transitioning back to a man.  Now, he is starting the procedure to transition back to a woman.

Brad now says he is paying for this transition himself.  He has paid the first $5,000 but we will have to wait and see if he pays it all or if taxpayers will be stuck again.  The average wait time for the operation in the UK is nine months but minors only have to wait half that long.  Big deal, major surgery for real medical problems can go much longer and many die before getting help.

Brad’s female persona is Ria and here is what it has to say:

“Only now I realise that made me even more unhappy. Now I’m going to be me – and I hope I will finally be happy.”

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 “One reason I switched back to being male was because I was worried I’d never find love as Ria.

“My past was always just too much 
for men to take on board when I ­transitioned the first time.”

“They’d fall in love with me, knowing my background – but as soon as their friends found out, I’d be dumped. I began to doubt I would ever feel happy again.”

“But I’m older and wiser now and know exactly who I am. I’m Ria and I’m a woman. There’s no turning back.

“If I can find a man who accepts that and loves me for who I am, that’s perfect. If not, I’d still like to be a mum.”

“My mum Elaine let me dress as a woman. But whenever a male ­relative came round I’d wipe off the make-up and get back into boys’ clothes – I knew they wouldn’t approve.”

“Growing up on a tough estate in Hull, I had to put on a really hard act to cope.”

“On the surface I was hard as nails, but underneath it hurt like hell. The puberty blockers and hormones made me moody and angry, I was all over the place. My mum supported me, but I moved out and went wild, drinking and taking drugs to cope with being different. I made so many mistakes.”

“I was so ashamed.  I fell in love with a guy from the Army and he even introduced me to his family.

“We didn’t talk about my past, but they knew who I was and accepted it. Then his friends found out and that was it.

“It was the same pattern every time I met someone. So I decided if the only use men had for me was sex, then I’d charge them.”

The documentary, she says, blighted her life.

“Every time I met someone they’d say, ‘You’re the girl from that documentary’. I couldn’t get away from it.

“It all became too much. I decided it would just all go away if I became male again.” 

“It just felt wrong.  I came to the realisation pretty quickly I was doing it because I wanted all the problems ­associated with being transgender to go away. I was no longer able to hide who I really am. Not for family, or friends or ­potential boyfriends. I have to be true to myself.”


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